EnableAutoLogon during install

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by CoreyR, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. CoreyR

    CoreyR Junior Member

    We've been pushing out a list of connection options to the register via Group Policy for quite a few years. I'd like to get away from this practice and instead rely on the SHAREDEVICE="1:iimport:setting.xml" installation parameter. So far it works great with two issues...

    To better explain, we script our installs with INSTALLSSO=1 and would like to include SHAREDEVICE="1:iimport:setting.xml". Part of our script adds "APPServerClient.exe -m" to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce. Then we force a reboot. Upon rebooting, the client is supposed to launch minimized and auto logon, which then creates all the necessary Desktop shortcuts for apps.

    The first problem is "APPServerClient.exe -m" doesn't appear to work anymore. Is there a new command to launch the client minimized? Or perhaps a way to achieve this during MSI install?

    The second problem is that the connection does not automatically logon using SSO. Since there's no auto logon, the Desktop Shortcuts are not created. Instead, the user has to open the Parallels Client and click Connect. We need to automate this process as the majority of our users have no idea the Parallels Client even exists - they just use Desktop Shortcuts. Is there a method to include EnableAutoLogons in the XML?

  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @CoreyR
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    We've created support requests for both issues #4662562 and #4662567, and we'll handle them within the support ticket. Thank you!

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