Win7 - Default Network Selection

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by John_Getzke, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. John_Getzke

    John_Getzke Bit poster


    We recently started to roll out Parallels 6 on Win7 machines and noticed some odd behavior.

    Some users have connectivity issues shortly after Parallels 6 is installed. From what we have observed this behavior is related to Win7 choosing the virtual Parallels network instead of the Domain network as the default. As a result all incoming communication to these machines are blocked by the Windows Firewall. Once Parallels is uninstalled then it all goes back to normal.

    Is there anything we can do to configure Parallels or Win7 to choose the correct network automatically?
  2. John_Getzke

    John_Getzke Bit poster

    I wanted to report back that we are still having this problem with Win7 users.

    Our short term work around is to manually disable the Parallels adapters. After the adapters are down it takes Win7 a few seconds to recognize that it is on the domain and correct the firewall. Once the domain is recognized it is then safe to re-enable the adpaters.

    We are considering a few techniques to enable/disable the parallels adapters when a user needs the application. Something along the lines of a VBScript that starts them up when they launch Parallels and a shutdown script to disable them again when they shutdown. Nothing really feels like a perfect fit so long as this behavior continues to happen.

    Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. SakibS

    SakibS Hunter

  4. John_Getzke

    John_Getzke Bit poster

    Could you elaborate a little more for me as to what part of that article is supposed to help?

    I have read through the contents of the article but do not understand what steps you are suggesting I take to resolve my problem.

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