Chrome, where's the desktop?

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by JimMaug, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. JimMaug

    JimMaug Bit poster

    I just installed Chrome, was expecting a chrome desktop, looks basically just like a browser.
    I can do that on my Mac already.

    I am using the latest parallels hosted version of chrome on parallels 8.

    Is there a version I can install that has the full chrome book experience?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

  3. JimMaug

    JimMaug Bit poster

    Follow up question

    So I watched, your video, are you saying to use virtual box in lieu of parallels to get the full chrome experience, or does the chrome download package from the virtual box site work if I load it into parallels.
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Neither. As you may know, Parallels can import VMs from other programs, also there's an USB image option for download. But my suggestion is that there are up to date builds of Chrome OS (Chromium OS) out there on the web, it's just a Linux distro like any other.
  5. JimMaug

    JimMaug Bit poster

    Linux followup

    I found a linux distro to install, tried it, it seems to install with parallels, but stops short at what looks like linux terminal modes and needs more entry to complete.

    Is there any tutorial info on what needs to be done to get it set up all the way?

    Recommended linux version and setup info???


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