Snow Leopard Server / Rosetta fail

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by JohnInDC, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. JohnInDC

    JohnInDC Bit poster

    I have a MacPro running Mavericks (10.9). I've installed Snow Leopard Server as a guest OS in Parallels 8, the idea being to restore my ability to run the occasional PowerPC application, which of course was lost with Lion.

    The OS installed fine (including Rosetta) and everything seems in order, except that I can't seem to get PowerPC apps to run! Well, maybe one. The old AOL program (yes, AOL - lots of old archived messages I need to get at) does not appear as an application, but rather as a folder presumably representing the package that it is. Appleworks looks fine but dies after two bounces in the Dock, and then vanishes. I did manage to get one program to run - proving to me anyhow that Rosetta is in place - but as for the others, I'm stuck!

    Is this a familiar problem? Any suggestions?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

  3. JohnInDC

    JohnInDC Bit poster

    I haven't got it on hand, no, so only if Apple will sell it to me!
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

  5. JohnInDC

    JohnInDC Bit poster

    Strangely, Appleworks would not copy from the host to the guest OS, but I had no problem copying it to a thumb drive and then importing it back. Go figure. Anyhow, now it works. The same trick did not work for AOL, with Mavericks insisting that I don't have "sufficient permission" to copy that program. Again, go figure.

    The AOL mail db is largely in plain text, so I can extract what I need, and yeah, maybe there's a reader out there somewhere. This was never really a critical undertaking, but rather just something I like to have on hand like Classic under Sheepsaver, or this old 10.4 machine that runs Classic (and a Nikon film scanner that Nikon walked away from several years ago).

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