Webdav - which OS is doing the job?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by SebastianADyhr, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. SebastianADyhr

    SebastianADyhr Bit poster


    I'm having problems with a Mac that without explanation deletes files on a webdav drive (hosted on Windows) - it MIGHT be, that the Mac webdav client doesn't handle the locking of the files right in conditions with a bad connection.

    Any how - the IT-people have suggested, that we use a Widows instead - My suggestion was to use a Parallels with a Windows 7, but the It-people are nervous that the Mac OS will be handling the webdav-connection and hence NOT stopping the problem.

    IS it Windows or will it be Mac OS X that handles the webdav-things?????

    I do know, that Parallels and the Mac handles some of the hardware connections - like graphic card, but what about the software connection to a webdav drive?

    I hope, that someone can help me or point me in the right direction for a solution.

  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    AFAIK, In this case Parallels acts like a a virtual router for the connection, it routes the connection and can even proxy and firewall them up to the protocal layer, the protocol layer itself (Webdav) will be handled by Windows.

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