Full Screen Mode Bugs

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Jesus Lizard, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Jesus Lizard

    Jesus Lizard Bit poster

    I'd like to use the Windows Full Screen Desktop mode but there are some software buggy problems since PD 9.x.x.

    PROBLEM #1
    When I have this Full Screen configuration

    [v] Use Mac OS X Full Screen
    [ ] Active Screen Corners

    All 4 active screen corners were turned off with [-].

    Scale to fit screen: Auto

    [v] Use all displays in full screen

    Mac Dock inadvertently pops out by itself when my mouse pointer is near the lower-left corner (just wobble your pointer near the Windows start button to test it) even though I have turned off all 4 active corners. This is annoying. There is no way I can prevent that from happening. In this mode; however, I can hold Ctr + left or right to quickly move back and forth the Windows and Mac Desktop.

    PROBLEM #2
    When I have this Full Screen configuration,

    [ ] Use Mac OS X Full Screen

    All 4 active screen corners were turned off.

    Scale to fit screen: Auto

    [v] Use all displays in full screen

    Unlike previous version, I no longer can use Ctr + left and right to move back and forth Mac desktop and Windows desktop. It now always stays at Windows desktop, which is practically useless and inconvenience for me. This configuration, however, will successfully prevent OS X Dock pop-out when my mouse pointer is near the Windows start button at the cost of losing the ability to move OS X and Windows desktops back and forth.

    These two problems have been plaguing me for a while. Any solution?

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