Completely Uninstalling Parallels and Virtual Machine

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by InspectorT, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. InspectorT

    InspectorT Bit poster

    I want to help remove Parallels from an iMac that belongs to a friend (the husband died, and wife now uses his iMac) since the wife has no need to run any Windows applications. I see the directions for uninstalling Parallels, and uninstalling the virtual machine on the support site. It is not clear, however, which I should do first; i.e. uninstall Parallels or uninstall the virtual machine.

    By the way, I continue to use Parallels on my own iMac and really love it - have never had any problems at all running my legacy Windows-only applications.
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    It doesn't really make any difference which one you do first.
  3. InspectorT

    InspectorT Bit poster


    Thanks for the help.

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