WinXP desktop shows but locked on P-Tools install window - now mouse or bottom menu

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by frogracer, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. frogracer

    frogracer Member

    I thought I was going to be successful in getting V3 to 4 to upgrade. This time got all the way to the end of stage 4 of 4 and then the got a message that the install failed.

    Windows XP desktop shows up and the Parallels Tools Setup Wizard window shows in the middle. mouse is locked and there is no lower windows tool bar and therefore can not get control to open an explorer window to navigate to run some of the items in KBase file 5735 to see if that would fix it.

    Can not stop/cancel the process to try and load the tools from the Menu.

    Your help is much appreciated. Tried to send error report but my office has my email ports blocked and therefore can not get the data from the programs help menu sent to you at this time. Will try when I get home.


    Attached Files:

  2. frogracer

    frogracer Member

    Decided to close down Parallels and restart.

    Restarted VM and got an error message see pic6 attached.

    Then it went back into loaded tools as shown in pic 7.

    Then the same error happened as shown in my first post. Locking on installing the tools with the Win XP desktop showing.

    Attached Files:

  3. frogracer

    frogracer Member

    In addition I looked at the Mac Activity Monitor and prl_vm_app is running at a constant 100% or near 100%.

    There are times I do get mouse control back with the vm stalled on trying to install the tools as shown in pic 1 above.

    I am on the late 2008 MBP, 4 gigs ram, 320 HD.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2008
  4. frogracer

    frogracer Member

    Looks like most of P4 has now loaded. I had to suspend the install to get home and then started it back up. Seem to have let/restarted the install process of Tools.

    But I am continuously getting the following error message:

    Unable to access Hard Disk 1
    An error occurred when accessing the hard disk. Error ID: Undefined error: 0.

    As seen in attached pic 17

    Crazy thing is that the programs still run but the error keeps popping up. Therefore the HD is being accessed. Error seems to happen right after I access any program in windows. Once the program is running the errors stop showing up. Start a new program and the error happens again.

    Your insight is appreciated.

    Report a problem ID
    ID# 14556

    Does not look like searching in the forums is working at this time.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2008
  5. frogracer

    frogracer Member

    Still having the Hard Drive Error come up. Any insight on what might be going on?
    Thank you,
  6. estrelnikov

    estrelnikov Parallels Team

    Try this KB article:, if it hangs during the VM uprgade try pressing Ctrl+Cmd+Option+R to interrupt the process, then follow the steps from KB article.

    Regarding hard disk issue, check this one

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