Bootcamp partition to a parallels image.

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by acinonyxx, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. acinonyxx

    acinonyxx Bit poster

    I am looking to convert a bootcamp partition to a parallels image.

    I would have thought transporter would be perfect for this., however there is this caveat in the transporter documentation.

    "Although Parallels Transporter Agent can be successfully installed on Boot Camp partition with Windows XP, migration from this partition cannot be performed successfully."

    Why not? An if I cannot use transporter for this how then should I do this



    Note : I am running the bootcamp installation in parallels so I should not even have to change drivers etc.
  2. transient

    transient Bit poster

    It seems to have worked fine for me. I posted my steps in this thread under Mac Desktop. I haven't done extensive testing with it but so far I've had no problems.
  3. ard

    ard Bit poster

    Running windows under bootcamp, I get memory protection errors so that is not the way to go.
    When I try to use Import in parallels, I cannot find any host; and the IP addresses found in the system preferences for parallels all do not work.

    When trying to do a transport from within parallels that has booted using bootcamp partition, it complains that I should choose (how!!??) another destination, as there is too little space left on the device -which is the bootcamp partition-.

    I'd rather have given you one hint how it WOULD work...

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