Parallel Tools X server install fails with Gentoo

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Robert Jacob, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Robert Jacob

    Robert Jacob Bit poster


    I have Gentoo Linux as the guest OS and MacOSX as the host.

    I just upgraded to 4.0.3810 and can't get the parallels tools install to get past the X server install. The error message is below. This setup worked fine under 3.0. Any advice?


    Start installation of user space modules
    X server: xorg, v1.3.0
    Install X modules from directory: .1.3
    System X modules are placed in /usr/lib/xorg/modules
    X server config: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Error: ServerLayout section has no ID name
    Error: configuring of X server failed
    Error: could not configure X server
    Error: failed to install user space applications and drivers
    2009-03-16T19:29:14-0500: execCmd: ./install --install [1]
    2009-03-16T19:29:14-0500: Error: An error occured when installing Parallels Tools. Please go to /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log for more information
  2. Patrick S

    Patrick S Bit poster

    install the tools manually.

    Mount the Parallels Tools via the menu and mount the cd within the linux system. Now untar the modules tar xvzf /media/cdrom/installer/prltools.tar.gz -c /usr/src Now just copy the Parallels Driver to /usr/lib/xorg/modules

    cp -r /usr/src/x-server/xorg.1.5/modules /usr/lib/xorg/modules

    After the copy was succesful just edit your xorg.conf. The mouse driver is called prlmouse and the video driver prlvideo


    From the blog ->

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