Anyone having luck with Garmin GPS?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Traj, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. KSW

    KSW Junior Member

    No Luck with Garmin GPS Map 278

    in 3186 and XP SP2 with MapSource v9; the 278 is with 2.60

    On the first try a "Garmin General Device" showed up as "New Hardware Found", then the XP started to install some drivers, and ended with "Something went wrong, please remove" (maybe the exact phrases differ because I've translated from a localizd XP...).

    And now: Just nothing. Even more, no further show-up in the Paralles USB-List - neither "Automatic Recognition" on nor off.

    KSW, sad... :(

    Any glue...?
  2. KSW

    KSW Junior Member

    Now: Luck! w/ GPSmap 278

    After checking some older hints I've done the following:

    Disconnect the GPS
    Start the VM
    Remove the Paralles Tools
    Restart the VM
    Install Paralles Tools
    Connect the GPS

    And... Wow! Seems to work - transferred some 600 waypoints trough POI loader, read some through MapSource - Great!

    Kind regards,

    KSW - somewhat :)

    Build 3168
    MacBoook Pro C2D 2,33
    XP SP2
    MapSource 6.11.5
    GPSmap 278 2.60
  3. Pmoscoso

    Pmoscoso Bit poster

    Garmin 276C

    I am happy to report that after a few days of failed attempts :mad: to connect my GPS to my Mac it finally happened today:cool: This is my set up: Mac Book Pro with 2.16 GHZ Intel Core Duo, I GB, OSX 10.4.8, Windows Vista and Parallels build 3188.
    The only thing that i did differently was to upgrade Parallels from build 3186 to 3188 and it happened !!!:)
  4. cessna152

    cessna152 Bit poster

    Try another USB port. I had success with the second USB port (middle on an iMac intel) and selecting "vendor specific" from the parallels USB menu (bottom right, with the symbol).

    Now i can connect my Garmin etrex vista to mapsource using parallels with no problems, without any gadgets from radioshack, just using the cable that comes with the garmin device.

    Good luck, I hope you get it to work. I know how frustrating these things can be

  5. tuxido

    tuxido Bit poster

    Parallels and Mapsource sees my 76CSx under Windows XP; I can update the firmware, but I cannot transfer maps without getting a transfer error. This is frustrating beyond belief!

    Does anyone know if Mapsource works under Bootcamp?
  6. wwhigginsjr

    wwhigginsjr Bit poster

    Garmin Edge 305 and Forerunner 305

    I've got both my Edge 305 and Forerunner 305 working with Parallels, MotionBased Agent, and WebUpdater!

    Here's my setup, top to bottom:

    Mac Pro with Two Dual Core Xeon at 2.66 GHz.
    Mac OS X v10.4.9.

    Parallels Desktop for Mac Build 3188 (March 7, 2007).
    Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and all automatic updates.
    Garmin USBDrivers_22.
    Garmin WebUpdater_241.
    MotionBased Agent v2.3.0.1.

    Garmin Edge 305 with Software Version 3.10 and GPS 2.90
    Garmin Forerunner 305 with Software Version 2.60 an dGPS 2.80

    Hope the above is helpful to someone amongst the legions of long suffering Garmin users!

    I normally use the MotionBased Web Agent for the Mac to upload riding (Edge 305) and running (Forerunner 305) data to MotionBased, but wanted to be able to keeep the software/firmware on the two Garmin products up-to-date. That meant using WebUpdater on Parallels (now working; hurrah!).

    Just checked the Garmin site, and it appears that there's now a WebUpdater for Mac Beta avalable (version Beta; March 30, 2007). Hope it works (because it will be/should be a much "cleaner" solution than launching Parallels/Windows/WebUpdater). I'll still be using Parallels for other Windows-based work, but it would be nice to have a fully functional, Mac based solution for Garmin and MotionBased products.
  7. JustinJ

    JustinJ Bit poster

    Windows crashes during Garmin map transfer!!

    After finally successfully transferring a map to my Garmin Quest @2month ago, I now seem to be worse off than before. When I try and send a map now, I get @30-50% through the tranfer process and XP totally crashes. It is precipated by a blue screen that goes to black before I can get any information off of it.

    My Quest is now useless. Last week the same thing happened. While using the Mac web updater, my unit dies, wouldn't start up. had to send to Garmin for repair. Just got it back today. Have to take a long road trip late this week and am desperate to get the thing working. So desperate I am thinkig of buying the cheapest PC laptop I can find just to be able to sync the thing.

    I have attached 2 screenshots from after the crash. I know absolutely nothing about the Windows side of things beyond basic use. Afraid if I keep trying, my Quest will 'die' again. Was able to use PC Web Updater to re-install Quest v4 software.

    Does aybody have any suggestions? I know that there is a small percentage of those taht have successfully synched their Garmins. If I can just get this one map set & waypoints loaded....

    Parallels Build 3188
    Macbook Pro 10.4.9/2 GHz
    Garmin Quest v4.0
    MapSource v 6.12.3
    USB Drivers
    North America Maps v8 (upgraded from 7)

    Attached Files:

  8. JustinJ

    JustinJ Bit poster

    Mapsource crashes resolved

    I wanted to post an update to my post from yesterday. Hopefully anyone with a similar issue will find this helpful. I have resolved the issue I mentioned by creating a new map set. I had upgraded to North America Map v8 from v7 sometime ago. In case that was an issue, I created the map using v7 and included only the 2 waypoints necessary for my cross country trip coming up. The existing map I was trying to sync yesterday had some 155 waypoints.

    This time, the map transfer went off without a hitch. I then saved the same map under the v8 North American map and transferred again.

    Is it possible the existing map was corrupted or something which caused the crashes? Heck if I know. I am also wondering the best way to get my old waypoints to my Quest (other than transferring that map that I crashed on) if possible.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  9. marc1

    marc1 Bit poster


    i was having all sorts of odd problems. i tired this suggestion first because it was the easiest. it worked, not immediately, but eventually i got it to work without making any other changes.

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