Leopard 10.5.3

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by aderium, May 30, 2008.

  1. eddyk

    eddyk Member

    same configuration, Windows XP, no problem (MacBook Pro Core 2 duo, 2.33 GHz, 3 GB RAM, Parallels build 5600)
    No problem either for Ubuntu 8.04
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I would like to notify that build is almost ready, and after QA test will be published or link will be provided
  3. wkharris

    wkharris Junior Member

    The team here at Parallels is just awesome! This flickering error has been driving me nuts on both my MacBook Pro and MacPro with Windows XP! So far 10.5.3, has certainly been a less then stellar release for Apple - It makes me wonder if June 9th, and those announcements are really worth what appears to be a rushed OS release from the mother-ship

    Thanks for taking care of us with Parallels!!

  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I am sorry to be so quick, please wait a day more, I provide more updated build link
  5. santa

    santa Junior Member

    manually remove kext files?

    I'm a tech support person myself and since 10.0 I have never seen update instructions that ask a user to remove kext files manually, as in the instructions to the 5602 update.

    "6. You may also need to delete the following files (it is recommended to restart your Macintosh computer before deleting them):


    I don't know what each of these .kext files does or how their replacement may or may not affect other programs. I won't be applying this new patch myself and I surely won't be asking the folks that I support who are not as technically oriented as I am to go into their system folder and manually remove .kext files, which are normally invisible anyway. The instructions provided are not instructions that should be put out to end-users.
    Is this a beta update that you are trying to test or is this the "final" work around for the problems we are seeing. If this is Parallel's idea of how updates will work then I'll be moving users to another program.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Please wait, updated build will be provided in a today or tomorrow
  7. rft

    rft Member

    @John: I tried build 5602, and IT DOES NOT FIX all types of flickering. i.e. my problems persist as described in my previous posts. Slowly my patience is wearing thin.
  8. casekraker

    casekraker Bit poster

    FYI - Also Tried 5602

    It seemed to hold a little longer and then the behavior came back. Thanks for your efforts and as soon as you need more testing let us know and I will...
  9. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    Same here - new build worked for awhile and then flickering returned.
  10. santa

    santa Junior Member

    are you guys actually deleting those kexts? no problem ?
  11. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    I didn't have those kexts after uninstalling 5584. I think only older builds (pre 5584) require manual uninstallation. Wish they would have said that from the get go.
  12. casekraker

    casekraker Bit poster

    No Kexts on my end either - i was always parallels 3.0
  13. Lindsay

    Lindsay Member

    Don't be too quick to pat them on the back until it's fixed.
    This has been an ongoing problem for some 6 months now.
    Seems like 10.5.3 has triggered a sleeping dog in Parallels.

    Don''t think it's 10.5.3 that's at fault in his case rather Parallels being a faulty product (currently) unable to keep up with the Mac OS X update advances.
    Not had any issues with 10.5.3 otherwise myself.

    Thanks to john for keeping us up to date. Lets hope for a permanent fix.
  14. depatt1

    depatt1 Bit poster

    Moved to VM Fusion

    Could not work with the view problems on 5600 / 10.5.3.
    Changed to VM Fusion - works like an angel! Fast and reliable :)

  15. Lindsay

    Lindsay Member

    I think quite a few will be following you if this isn't resolved quickly.
  16. Bastiat

    Bastiat Bit poster

    VMware Fusion

    I switched over the VMware Fusion yesterday and it works terrificly well. They have an "Importer Tool" that allowed me to convert my OS image file from Parallels to VMware. It all worked smoothly and I am happily running on a 30 day trial license.

    Parallels has been a good product, but I am quite impressed with VMware Fusion. It seems "snappier" and the 10.5.3 upgrade seems not to have affected it. My USB devices all work fine.

    I can't afford to wait for a fix, so VMware has saved the day for me.

    I hope the Parallels team can prove their commitment to keeping up their product in a timely manner...
  17. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  18. Lindsay

    Lindsay Member

    Probably a silly question but for those running XP or Vista do we only use the 5604 download.

    Not familiar with the "Ubunto 8.04 Parallels Tools installation" bit.

    Can you explain further please?
  19. Bastiat

    Bastiat Bit poster

  20. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    Okay, this is ridiculous!

    I installed the new build, 5604, after uninstalling 5602 and rebooting. I then installed Parallel Tools once the VM was booted. Then I shut down the OS (Win XP SP2), closed Parallels, restarted Parallels and booted back into XP and for awhile, just as with 5602, it worked fine. But then, the flickering began anew.

    Parallels Team: how can you possibly say you QA'd it? Did you simply boot it up and it worked for 5 minutes and you assumed it was fine, despite the fact that multiple people in this thread reported that it takes a bit of time for symptoms to appear. This is shoddy work! If I did this for my clients websites I wouldn't have clients. And I am losing my patience with you. You have one more chance to make this right or I switch to Fusion. Period.

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