Will it Run with OSX 10.10 Developer Preview?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GeorgeBH, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. GeorgeBH

    GeorgeBH Bit poster

    Anyone able to say yet it if Parallels 9 will run with the OSX 10.10 developer preview out today?
  2. Tom__S

    Tom__S Bit poster

    No joy yet :( Upgrading an existing one leads to boot screen. /subscribing
  3. GeorgeBH

    GeorgeBH Bit poster

    Joyful day here.
  4. Tom__S

    Tom__S Bit poster

    Tried the http://pastebin.com/4kG5ChsP (not my pastebin & really beware of typos!) method from 10.9 but that isn't running with yosemite either, although the 'other virtualisation' product out there does boot it and install now using that method.
  5. Caesium

    Caesium Junior Member

    How about running 10.10 as a host, anyone tried that? Debating an upgrade but don't really fancy the bother of restoring 10.9 back if all my VMs suddenly fail to start.
  6. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi All,

    Parallels Desktop isn’t yet compatible with Yosemite.

    Our development team is looking into it. Stay tuned for more information.
  7. Tom__S

    Tom__S Bit poster

    Wouldn't expect otherwise within hours of it's release, but just wondering why it got stuck at the darwin boot loader while the other virtualisation software will boot it just fine (its just slow as hell though on it -> my main reason to run things in parallels instead of that product :p)
  8. JankoL

    JankoL Bit poster

    how is the best way to get alerted, when parallels is somehow working under 10.10? for mavericks there was a workaround start script, so that you could start the parallels vm, is there something out for yosemite yet?
  9. BobTheDog

    BobTheDog Member

    They could try to get 10.9.3 working first!
  10. tdlemmon

    tdlemmon Bit poster

    Sorry, I could not understand if this case is covered by previous answers:
    - OSX 10.10 as host
    - Windows 8 as guest
    does it works?
  11. cmatkin

    cmatkin Bit poster

    Hi all,
    Im currently running the following:
    Parallels v9.0.24229
    Host OSX 10.10
    Guest Windows 7

    This is all working minus issues with graphics. Popup dialog boxes not rendered (move them fixes this) and full screen top is missing.
  12. ChrisMills

    ChrisMills Bit poster

    Hello Everyone,
    To add to this, I am running Parallels Build 9.0.24229
    Host OSx 10.10
    Guest Windows 8.1

    It seems to boot up and I am in windows just fine, but every time I load Outlook my entire Mac turns off. It's very strange.
  13. Fermaster

    Fermaster Bit poster


    I had the same problem... I disabled the Retina, change the directX 10 to directX 9 and reduce the memory from 512 to 256. Its resolving for now... but I do not know which of these things solved the problem.

  14. JankoLauterbach

    JankoLauterbach Bit poster

    Interesting, i've got the same, but it doesn't boot for me... when i try to boot my vm, parallels freezes....
  15. javacoderex

    javacoderex Bit poster

    Parallels Build 9.0.24229
    Host OS X 10.10
    Guest Windows 7 and XP
    Running fine so far. Going to text some Linux next.
  16. ChrisMills

    ChrisMills Bit poster

    As a follow-up on this I have been trying to change display settings but still seem to be getting crashes. Here is what my Mac is telling me when it boots back up:

    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80073dca75): "vm_object_activity_begin(0xffffff802e6a20f8): overflow\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2738.

    Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
    dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[1454B399-C4DF-3D3F-A4F0-D28FF71D5E4B]@0xffffff7f87b19000
    dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[70E2B65E-A91A-3522-A1A0-79FD63EABB4C]@0xffffff7f8843b000

    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: prl_vm_app

    Mac OS version:
  17. Fonzo!

    Fonzo! Bit poster


    On my side, iMac 27" mid 2011, 20gb ram, second Apple 27" display, running OS X 10.10 as host with Parallel Desktop 9.0024229 and Windows 8.1 pro x64 as guest (from bootcamp), using FullScreen mode.
    After update, windows was booting, but when I log on, it crash (not only Parallels, but the Mac).
    I've uninstalled Parallel Desktop and deleted the VM files, re-installed Parallel Desktop and re-imported my bootcamp and it works (almost) fine...
    4 cpu's used, 10gb Ram, Dual screen works fine, but must use the Mac FullScreen mode otherwise the display is truncated.
  18. clarkkentva

    clarkkentva Bit poster

    It is working perfectly for me. Not a problem so far. I upgraded my working Mavericks copy with its working Parallels 9 and Windows 8.1. The upgrade went smoothly and Everything works. A minor little issue in Parallel In full-screen mode, there is a very small bar on the top that hides everything under it. It is very small though and very minor. Windows modes works. Office 2013 works. All my corp applications are working. Retina Display mode works. I have disabled DirectX support in parallels prior to the upgrade.

    I am actually surprised that I have not encountered any problems so far since the upgrade 2 days ago.

    Macbook 13 with Retina.
  19. Banned

    I installed 10.10 yesterday:
    1) Install 10.9.3 with app from Mac App Store
    2) Launch Mavericks in PD
    3) Download 10.10 beta from developer.apple.com inside 10.9.3 virtual machine
    4) Launch 10.10 installer & reset & install it
    5) Now it works with awful graphics issues 8(
  20. mDoggyDog

    mDoggyDog Bit poster

    I did an upgrade to Yosemite and Parallels continued to work... however it crashes frequently. I generally use Parallels for browser testing and a few other things, so I can generally get in and get out. After about 15 minutes or so, Yosemite will crash and automatically reboot. Not quite stable, but I understand this is all preview. One sure fire way to crash Parallels and Yosemite, is to resize your window, if you're running Windows in a Windowed environment. In hindsight, I probably wouldn't have installed Yosemite, most of the features I wanted to see aren't really working yet. This weekend, I'll probably revert back to good old Mavericks.

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