Guest OSX Won't Boot after Installation of Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Stephen110, May 23, 2014.

  1. kpmedia

    kpmedia Bit poster

    I'd never even though of running Mac OS X as a guest OS. Thanks to this thread, I won't even try to.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2014
  2. the_klutzak

    the_klutzak Bit poster

    Its kinda a shame. Virtualization on the PC allows to quickly shift from on OS configuration to another, and if the OS gets hosed you just pull a new image from storage and delete the faulty one. Its a huge benefit for test environments.

    On my work PC, I've never, ever had the native system get borked because I only run a super-clean install and I run everything in VMs.

    But when there is a huge performance hit, like the hit you take on a Mac OS VM, it makes it much less attractive.

    Based on what I've been told about Apple's APIs, it may not be possible to enable video acceleration in ANY virtualization software.

    I hope that turns out to be not the case, as it eliminates a pretty compelling reason to maintain and update virtualization software solutions.
  3. JohnMessina

    JohnMessina Bit poster

    Parallels support provided a link to an updated version of Parallels - 10 v.10.0.1 (27695). They claim this will solve the problem. However, after reinstalling Yosemite, I decided to upgrade to Beta 2 before installing the Tools. Well, upon reboot, I again get a black screen with a "no" symbol, so it appears that this new version of Parallels doesn't play well with the new version of Yosemite. Hopefully the next version of Parallels will both work with Beta 2 and not kill the VM when you install the Tools.
  4. JohnMessina

    JohnMessina Bit poster

    Parallels just closed my support request - "Yosemite is not officially supported by Parallels Desktop 10 as a guest OS." I guess I'll have to wait until Yosemite is formally released, but that makes it kind of impossible to test the beta in a safe environment like a VM. Oh, well. It works in Fusion, though! It makes me wish I'd spent the money buying Fusion rather than paying for the upgrade to version 10 of Parallels.

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