First, before continuing reading, please consider if you really need to know the answer to all these hypothesis if you are going to ditch Bootcamp anyway, I mean, I don't want to sound impatient, but why waste everybody's time if you already decided otherwise.
That very much depends on what exactly does the corresponding EULA permit. For example some will consider per seat, others per copies installed, or even per machine, these are subtle differences, but a VM running in the same machine as the Bootcamp would be able to use the same license in the later case (per machine, which the case of the Windows EULA). I have no idea of the wording Autodesk uses, but I'm sure they have a FAQ about it, also, AD now also has an ACAD for Mac if that's a viable option for you. But you are ditching Bootcamp anyway, aren't you, so it doesn't matter.
The second question depends on where the file is saved, physically, that very much depends on the sharing configurations. If it's there when you boot into Bootcamp, then it's saved in the bc partition, upon importing it to a virtual disk and thus making a copy of Bootcamp, it will bring that file with it but it will be no longer in sync, however, if you just use the Bootcamp partition in Parallels without importing then it remains in sync.
Sounds confusing? Well, you really need to grasp these concepts, of where exactly are the files being saved, I suggest reading the User Guide.
But anyway, again, if you are ditching Bootcamp, it doesn't matter.
Last edited: Oct 31, 2014