Fedora 25 black screen after installation of Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by LeoB2, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. LeoB2

    LeoB2 Bit poster

    Just installed Fedora 25, but after installation of the parallels tools the VM is not bootins
    MikhailT1 likes this.
  2. RobertC13

    RobertC13 Bit poster

    Can confirm. Installing the OS goes fine. OS runs fine after the install, but fails after installing Parallels Tools. I tried an upgrade and two clean installs. Each failed in the same way: Blinking underscore cursor in the upper left screen corner while installing Parallels Tools. Was able to use the OS fine -- add Terminal to the Dash, customizing Terminal look and feel, etc. -- before installing Parallels Tools.
  3. ZakB1

    ZakB1 Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same issue.
  4. HeikkiL

    HeikkiL Member

    This might have something to do with the fact that Fedora 25 replaced the traditional X display server with Wayland (probably makes the current Parallels Tools incompatible?)
  5. ZakB1

    ZakB1 Bit poster

    Wayland is an X-Server but the problem still exists in Rescue Mode. X-Server doesn't start in Rescue Mode. I also didn't have an X-Server installed (to my knowledge) on one of my installs. I'm not sure but I think so. I'm also finding that normal network services like SSH aren't listening so that makes me think that it's actually stopped the boot process. Otherwise I would expect to be able to SSH into the machine still. So I think that rules out Wayland.

    More likely is that there's an incompatibility with the frame buffer device. That's what allows Linux to write to the screen. That's present with the VTTs and is likely being accessed by systemd during startup.

    When I get a chance I'm going to try booting with a different video mode and see if that helps. I'm a bit fuzzy on my systemd rescue stuff so it will take me a little time.
  6. RobertK9

    RobertK9 Bit poster

    same issue. thank in advance for any solution.
  7. XUJ1

    XUJ1 Bit poster

    I tried 4 times and all 4 times failed, including one Fedora 24 upgrading to 25.

    I contacted Parallels Support and they confirmed this problem - the issue also happened on their support center test machines. However, they didn't give me any estimated time to fix the problem.
  8. DavidNo

    DavidNo Bit poster

    I hope that it wil be soon. I see that I can ssh into my Fedora 25 VM, but the Desktop is DOA :(
  9. XUJ1

    XUJ1 Bit poster

    That is good for you! Mine just refuse to boot and stuck at the flashing underscore, unresponsively...
  10. BrianL6

    BrianL6 Bit poster

    Same problem encountered here. The installation process exit with error at about 60%... and advise me to go to the parallels tool installation log at /var/log.. error indicate cannot locate some components, such as python, etc.
  11. DavidNo

    DavidNo Bit poster

    Please set my expectations. What's happening with this issue?
    Thanks for your support.
  12. AlbertoP2

    AlbertoP2 Bit poster

    Does anybody know if there's any opened bug that can be checked to find the current state for this issue by Paralles Support?
    I'm suffering same (or similar) issue. I've applied as workaround uninstalling Parallels Tools. Currently I can log into gnome and work normally, but I cannot use the right monitor resolution in a 21:9 display. I've not tested reinstalling again for at least 3 weeks of Fedora updates but no Parallels changes.
  13. RafaelK

    RafaelK Bit poster

    I'll try to put together a guide here for getting Fedora 25 to work more or less. This is for advanced linux users and I may have missed a few things here and there.

    Follow these steps after you have finished installing. If you have a black screen, press ctrl+alt+f2 or alt+f2 to get a console.

    1) enable sshd:

    sudo systemctl enable sshd
    sudo systemctl start sshd

    now you should be able to ssh in to edit files etc.

    2) enable Fedora 24 repos

    Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
    add an entry called [fedora-24] that is the same as the [fedora] entry but with $releasever replaced with 24, it should look like this:

    name=Fedora 24 - $basearch

    Do the same thing in fedora-updates.repo for the [updates] entry, the new entry should look like this:

    name=Fedora 24 - $basearch - Updates


    sudo dnf makecache

    and make sure there are no errors.

    3) downgrade Xorg to 1.18

    sudo dnf --allowerasing repository-packages updates-24 install xorg-x11-server-Xorg

    4) lock the Xorg version

    sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(versionlock)'
    sudo dnf versionlock xorg-x11-server-Xorg

    5) add iomem=relaxed to kernel command line

    Edit /etc/default/grub and edit the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry to add "iomem=relaxed", it should look like this:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rhgb iomem=relaxed quiet"

    Now regenerate the grub command line.

    If you are **NOT** using EFI, the command is:

    grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

    If you **ARE** using EFI, the command is:

    grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2-efi.cfg

    6) install KDE

    sudo dnf install @kde-desktop

    7) set gdm settings to disable Wayland and start KDE

    Edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf, the [daemon] section should look something like this:

    # Uncoment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg
    AutomaticLogin=<<M*** YOUR USER HERE ***>>>

    AutomaticLogin should be your actual user name.

    8) Reboot, select KDE

    Reboot the VM, if you are logged into Gnome automatically, log out, and in the login screen select the KDE Plasma desktop from the little gear icon next to the password box.

    This should log you into KDE.

    9) Turn off Compositing in KDE

    Got to System Settings > Display and Monitor > Compositor in KDE and turn off the "Enable Compositor on Startup" checkbox, this is necessary if you want to use Coherence mode.

    10) Reinstall Parallels Tools

    Reinstall the Tools and reboot again, after this everything should work, including Coherence mode.

    If you have problems with this guide, let me know and I will update it.
  14. Rich_Deeming

    Rich_Deeming Bit poster

    Thx, this ^^ worked for me. This was to rescue an upgrade from F24 to F25.

    Single user, switched to non graphical systemctl set-default multi-user.target; systemctl default.

    Followed the above to step 5 and of course step 10 + set graphical.target.
  15. AlbertoP2

    AlbertoP2 Bit poster

    Today I've just applied last Parallels Update (Version 12.1.2 (41525)) and this solved problem for me (Fedora 25 with Gnome). I was able to install parallels tools and display is working fine now. Thanks to Parallel's development team. It seems this solves another long term problem, pdf printing from parallels, hope this will be true too.
  16. DavidNo

    DavidNo Bit poster

    Rats, my Fedora 25 VM is still showing a black screen.
  17. DavidNo

    DavidNo Bit poster

    My box is still broken; differently, but still broken. After re-installing the Parallels Tools I now see the login screen, but after logging in, the screen flashes and I'm immediately logged off :)

    Ideas anyone?
  18. DavidNo

    DavidNo Bit poster

    False alarm. I'm now also good to go.
  19. Rich_Deeming

    Rich_Deeming Bit poster

    Anyone here experiencing high CPU load from Xorg process after installing (41525) running FC25 VM?
  20. megema

    megema Bit poster

    Yes, I'm experiencing this too on Fedora WS 25 and Kali Linux. I've also tried the prebuilt Ubuntu Parallels VM, which works fine.

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