Parallels Desktop disables iSight Camera on Macbook Pro with OS X Sierra

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by BorisP1, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. MartinZ1

    MartinZ1 Bit poster

    This problem last for more than 5 months. Parallels is not going to fix it. I have canceled Parallels subscription, as I've found a proper fix - Oracle VM VirtualBox .
  2. Karthik@Parallels

    Karthik@Parallels Member

    We're glad to know know about that. You can reach out to us for further assistance.
  3. JoelCYYZ

    JoelCYYZ Member

    Really, that is the best that you can do! How about simply fixing the problem or is that too much to ask?
  4. Karthik@Parallels

    Karthik@Parallels Member

    We've submitted a request to our engineering team to look into this.
  5. JoelCYYZ

    JoelCYYZ Member

    Not to seem ungrateful but this has been outstanding for so long that it is almost pointless to fix at this point in time given the next iteration of OS X will likely be released before the fix...this delay to fix something so basic is enough to get me to consider other applications -- VitualBox, VM Ware, etc. and I say this after being a VERY LONG TIME Parallels user!
  6. JoelCYYZ

    JoelCYYZ Member

    @ Parallels Support: Today another update was released (i.e. version 12.2.0 (41591) ) and the problem still has yet to be fixed...I cannot believe that after 6 months this problem has still not being such, could someone from Parallels Support please let us know when this will be fixed as I use BOTH Parallels and FaceTime on my MBA on a daily basis and this becoming very annoying and problematic!
  7. Ryan13

    Ryan13 Bit poster

    Having this exact problem on MBA (mid-2012) OS Sierra. Running Parallels 12.2.0 and even if parallels is closed or I don't boot it up, it won't allow my camera to work. Also the parallel's fix doesn't work. The only thing that briefly works is rebooting in "safe mode" by holding shift. When will there be a fix or at least a workaround that works on MBAs? Also apparently Apple has no idea, I spent 2 hours on the line with a Senior Apple Advisor and their best conclusion was a "third party app". It wasn't until I uninstalled and reinstalled parallels that I found out that was it....
  8. fathiwady

    fathiwady Bit poster

    I have the same problem // desktop 12 and Sierra !!!
    Thanks team
  9. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    Is this ever going to be fixed, it is a bane to using the parallels every single day!!! Fix your problems please!!! Since Parallels development team can't figure this out, I wrote an AppleScript that with a click will apply the workaround and launch FaceTime to verify that the builtin video camera works again. if your interested send me a private email. It took all of about 55 minutes to write and test.
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  10. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    I wrote an AppleScript that with a click will apply the workaround and launch FaceTime to verify that the builtin video camera works again. if your interested send me a private email. It took all of about 55 minutes to write and test.
  11. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    I wrote an AppleScript that with a click will apply the workaround and launch FaceTime to verify that the builtin video camera works again. if your interested send me a private email. It took all of about 55 minutes to write and test.
    I wrote an AppleScript that with a click will apply the workaround and launch FaceTime to verify that the builtin video camera works again. if your interested send me a private email. It took all of about 55 minutes to write and test. So why did your engineering team not think of this???
  12. CatalinA

    CatalinA Bit poster

    @GlennThomas could you please let me know if i can try your script.
  13. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    here is the script:
    tell application "Terminal"


    delay 6

    do shell script "~/Downloads/replug_facetime" with administrator privileges

    end tell


    activateapplication "FaceTime"

    tell application "System Events"

    tell process "FaceTime"

    clickmenu item "FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Video" of menu bar 1

    end tell

    end tell

    you can copy and paste the script into script editor (in the utility folder of your applications on the mac) I have redone the script so it prompts for the password/ I added a verification step by launching FaceTime app and verifying that my camera works. you need to run the script after launch of Parallels. to compile the script use the hammer icon in script editor. let me know how it works? unzip the attached file into your downloads folder "". before you launch the "Fix_Facetime_cam" file you will need to allowing to make the changes by going into system preferences choosing the "Security & Privacy" icon. Then clicking the "lock" icon to unlock it, (it will ask for your user name an password to allow this change). then click the "+" icon browse to your "Downloads folder" and select the "Fix_Facetime_cam" script. Then click the "open" button in the dialog box. Click the "Lock" icon and close system preferences window. now launch parallels once it is running you can execute the script from the downloads folder and enter your password, you should be good to go.. TADA

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  14. JamesS14

    JamesS14 Bit poster

    What are you talking about? Your AppleScript just runs the program that the engineering team made, it's a glorified wrapper where you didn't do any actual work to solve any problem. Anyone can just download the executable provided by Parallels and run it themselves and get the same end result, the only difference is you open Facetime to verify the camera works which honestly isn't really that big of a deal.

    The reason I'm responding in this tone is because from what I am reading, it seems like you are acting like the engineering team aren't doing something right because they didn't provide some weird AppleScript solution to this problem. The root of the problem lies somewhere else, this is a bandaid fix. The team has a lot of things they have to work on, this problem is likely not as high on their list compared to other things they are getting done.

    Thank you to the Parallels team for providing this fix, preventing me from having to restart my machine is a huge plus and is more than enough of a fix until the final patch can be rolled out. I have a Mid 2012 MBP Retina and the fix works fine for me.
  15. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    Actually the Parallels folks did not write the fix they got it from the internet from another developer from what I found, I made the AppleScript to verify that the code actually works properly. No skin off my nose.
  16. JamesS14

    JamesS14 Bit poster

    If that's the case then I stand corrected. By the way, I shouldn't have phrased what I said to you the way I did. Your script has it's purpose and I'm sure there are people that are happy that you made it. I apologize for how I responded earlier.
  17. ShengtingL

    ShengtingL Bit poster

  18. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    nope it is still broken in Parallels 13 and the workaround does not work correctly with Mac OS High Sierra very well looks like Parallels team has failed to fix the issue.. STILL.

    the replug FaceTime that is referred to in the above link only works while Parallels is launched..
  19. JoelCYYZ

    JoelCYYZ Member

    It works for me...felt the same way but toook the risk...
  20. GlennThomas

    GlennThomas Member

    what kind of Mac are you getting it to work on without the replug FaceTime code?? Yes Parallels 13 is much faster loading and has some good features. But hey the FaceTime error has been out here since Parallels 11 with out a permeant fix that works every time, why not build the replug FaceTime code into Parallels code???

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