windows 10 client display issue

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by ClintF1, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. ClintF1

    ClintF1 Bit poster

    We use parallels to connect to nextgen/lacrosse server and I have been fighting this issue ever since we upgraded to windows 10. When opening certain applications within the Parallels client (version 15.5) certain fields are blacked out and not viewable - see attachment of correct and incorrect appearance. This seems to be related to Windows theme settings. In windows 7 the issue would occur but we could open the advanced colors area and modify the color for the offending element to resolve the issue. Windows 10 does not have this option available. I am able to correct the display by applying a custom theme in windows but this only works for that session. Logging off, or restarting seems to give the end user a 50/50 shot of having the exact same problem when they connect the next time. Has anyone seen anything like this and have a suggestion on a possible resolution? (FYI in connection properties > advanced setting > use client colors - unchecking this option seems to always cause it to have this display issue, and when that is unchecked applying custom theme in windows does not correct the view).

    Attached Files:

  2. AnikaA1

    AnikaA1 Bit poster

    Nice Information.Thank you.
  3. AndreJ4

    AndreJ4 Bit poster

    I have Windows 10 as well and never had this kind of issue. Do you have the latest version of Windows 10? Several updates have been released lately and solved some issues.

  4. ClintF1

    ClintF1 Bit poster

    We ended up finding the resolution. We have a GPO that in place (that modified the registry value for one of the window colors) that wasn't getting applied on the terminal server at log in. Once that was fixed the problem was resolved by unchecking the box in parallels client to "Use Client Colors ..." under the advanced section of the connection properties.
  5. RubensC1

    RubensC1 Bit poster

    Thanks for sharing this info. I didn't know because I've just started here! I need to study Parallels more to become an expert here.

  6. RafaelQ1

    RafaelQ1 Bit poster

    Hello Rubens,

    There are a lot of tutorials here in this forum. Look in this section "Installation and Configuration" and you'll get a lot of answers to your further questions.
    If you need some help, please, just tell us!

    Rafael Querido
  7. arenan

    arenan Bit poster

    i have several windows 10 and i have this issue for 2 client only
  8. jpc

    jpc Pro


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