Upgrade to Parallels v13.1.0 (43108) for Mac Pro Edition killed my Win10 VM

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by buckZor, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. buckZor

    buckZor Bit poster

    After Parallels Tools was installed on my Win10 VM it is no longer booting. I have two Win10 VMs, I've not booted the other. Please advise!
  2. DerekB3

    DerekB3 Bit poster

    I have a similar problem. Since upgrading to Version 13, it has been a nightmare - sometimes taking me a couple of hours of restarting my Mac, force quits, forced power-offs etc. to get Windows 10 to start. I am seriously thinking of uninstalling Parallels altogether and running Windows on a PC instead! I know that if I install an update to Parallels then I am going to have this problem. Note that I have been working in IT for more than 30 years, so I know that I am not doing everything wrong.
    Just managed to get Windows 10 running - it only took about 3 hours to do that. So far this month I have probably spend about 10 hours getting Windows to start under Parallels 13.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  3. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello buckZor, I understand that your Windows 10 is not booting up. Please let us know the exact error message you get? If possible share us some screenshot of it, to assist you further in this. Thanks!
  4. buckZor

    buckZor Bit poster

    I'm just seeing the boot logo for Windows. Stopping and restarting gives me the Windows Automatic Repair screen. I have opened a case with Parallels Support, case #2449477. Line was disconnected over an hour ago and still no callback. *sigh*
  5. buckZor

    buckZor Bit poster

    Spent over an hour in a remote session with a kid in your support department who knew less about the product than I do, and of course the language barrier where he is not completely understanding what I am telling him in clear english. I have a snapshot of my virtual machine 4 days prior to the 13.1 update, where 13.01 was working fine no problem with the parallels tools. Microsoft of course released updates yesterday, because second tuesday and he wanted to be sure that update was installed correctly and then the parallels tools upgrade from 13.1 be installed and then see if the VM would boot. Well it doesn't. Is it possible to get the previous build of v13 downloaded and revert my installation?
  6. jschrade

    jschrade Junior Member

  7. AnthonyP4

    AnthonyP4 Bit poster

    I am having this exact same issue as well, upgraded today, stuck at blue windows logo
  8. JohnF13

    JohnF13 Bit poster

    Parallels 13.1 will not work with Parallel's "nested virtualization"
    AnthonyP4 likes this.
  9. AnthonyP4

    AnthonyP4 Bit poster

    @JohnF13 Started up straight after I unchecked that! Unfortunately I need that for Docker with Hyper-V so it's looking like I will either need to downgrade or switch to a different VM provider
    JohnF13 likes this.
  10. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    I can confirm that unchecking "nested virtualisation" also fixed the issue for me with a Win 10 VM no longer booting after upgrading to Parallels 13.1.
    JohnF13 likes this.
  11. Hemnath@Parallels

    Hemnath@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello DerekB3. Please reproduce the issue, generate a Problem Report ID while the issue occurs (very important) and reply with the same.
    This ticket is now being handled by our Tier-2 team. You'll receive e-mail instructions from them shortly.
    Hello JohnF13, AnthonyP4 and Michael Pitt. Please generate two Problem Report ID's - one while the issue occurs and one while the issue is absent when the VM is running after disabling Nested Virtualization - and reply with the same. Appreciate your cooperation.
  12. DerekB3

    DerekB3 Bit poster

    Hello Hemnath. Thank you for picking up this problem. Since my post above, I encountered the problem 4 more times (each time slightly different issues) but today I have started my MacBook twice without this problem - although it still takes a number of attempts to get Windows 10 to show the Start Menu. Sorry but I will be unable to help with generating the Problem Report because the problem has gone away for now (as it has done many times since upgrading to v13) and also by the end of today I will have removed Parallels Desktop from my MacBook. I have been moving the Windows software to my Desktop PC - I have a WD My Cloud drive so will be using that as a "tunnel" between my two machines.
  13. RobinC4

    RobinC4 Bit poster

    I'm having the same nested virtualization issue. Here are the problem report ID's.
    218253287 - nested on and windows 10 hangs
    218253676 - nested off and widnows 10 boots fine
    JohnF13 likes this.
  14. JohnF13

    JohnF13 Bit poster

    At this time, I can tell you how to reproduce the issue to allow Parallels' engineers to experiment with their own systems.
  15. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    218297188 - with issue
    218297507 - without issue

    JohnF13 likes this.
  16. DerekB3

    DerekB3 Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop, Toolbox and VM completely removed - no problem now and I am very happy.
    JohnF13 likes this.
  17. PiotrW3

    PiotrW3 Bit poster

    I have same problem and I switch off nested virt. but can you:
    1. Tell me when this problem will solved?
    2. Give me link to last but working version WITH "nested virtualisation" ?
  18. JohnF13

    JohnF13 Bit poster

    At this time, there is no date set on when this will be resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience. Contact Parallel's Support Team to download Parallels 13.0 which is the last known working version with Parallels' "Nested Virtualization" enabled.
    PiotrW3 likes this.
  19. PiotrW3

    PiotrW3 Bit poster

    Can you give me this link because I can't find another help !!????
    or give me direct link to this "Parallel's Support Team" !
    I can't work without "Nested Virtualization" !!!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  20. JohnF13

    JohnF13 Bit poster

    In the past, I was able to contact Parallels' support team via their Twitter page. Have you tried Twitter?

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