Macbook Pro - Touch ID

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by jgarrigues, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. jgarrigues

    jgarrigues Bit poster

    Hi there - does the Touch ID feature only work with Parallels instances of Windows 10? Or, can it be customized to work with Linux installs too?

    When I was reviewing the literature, I thought that it'd be great to be able to use touch to login to VMs, but I'm not seeing that as a possibility on Linux VMs. Looking back at the literature, it appears that only Windows 10 is supported, and even that might not allow OS logins. But, I want to be sure - on a 14-day trial of version 13...

  2. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi John, as of today Touch ID is supported for authenticating as Mac administrator only, i.e. for approving changes made to VM configuration + security features, no OS logins.
    Despite that Microsoft Windows has several APIs for this feature (and there's fprint for Linux), keep in mind that we do not have a direct access to Touch ID sensor but only a framework that macOS provides, so it's not that easy but we keep investigating possibilities.

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