Display quality on iPad Pro 10.5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by TerryB2, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. TerryB2

    TerryB2 Bit poster

    I am using an iPad Pro 10.5 running iOS 12.1 and connecting to an iMac 27" at 2560x1440 resolution. I love the functionality of Parallels Access, but the display quality is relatively poor. Fonts and so on are quite fuzzy on the iPad. Enough that I wouldn't use it for long periods of time.

    I also tried connecting to an iMac 21.5" with 4K Retina display and saw the same quality.

    I don't see any configuration options to fix this. Anyone have any suggestions? I would use this a lot if the quality were better.

  2. TerryB2

    TerryB2 Bit poster

    Okay, so I figured it out myself. I didn't find anything in the help on the iPad, but in the settings menu (after connected to a machine) there is a high quality setting. When I toggled this on, display quality is what I expect.

    That, combined with the extra keys bar, which gives me an escape key (none on the iPad Smart Keyboard), gives me everything I need.

    This all works really well.
  3. AJ@Parallels


    Hello TerryB2, We are glad to hear that you resolved the issue, Thank you for the information provided which will be helpful for me in future.

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