License reached its activation limit. Can not transfer to my new mac

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by BirolK, May 3, 2019.

  1. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, your Parallels Desktop 11 key has been reset, please check the activation issue
  2. RicardoG

    RicardoG Bit poster

    you mean Parallels 15? Yes I tried and it works now
  3. JitenZ1

    JitenZ1 Bit poster

    I am having the same issue. My macbook had a new hard drive put in and I am trying to activate my Parallels. Can you please reset it. Thank you!

    I had P12 (jza****@hotelsb*** and then upgraded to P15 (jzave**** However, I did it with two different e-mails and didn't even know. Please HELP!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2020
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we've moved your Parallels Desktop 12 key to jzave****
    If you would like to use jza****@hotelsb*** please let us know.
  5. GeorgR3

    GeorgR3 Bit poster

    Dear support team,
    I have a simulier problem. After changing my hard drive on my macbook and upgrading the OS, I have to re-activate my parallels desktop software. The activation limit is reached, but I'm using it only on one machine. Can you kindly reset my license key? (can be found in my user account). Thank you very much in advance!
  6. Sanjiv

    Sanjiv Bit poster

    Please reset my license as I've moved to a different mac.

  7. Hi GeorgR3. We have reset your license. Please try to activate now and it should work.
  8. Hello Sanjiv. We have made the necessary changes. Please try the activation now.
  9. ArielV2

    ArielV2 Bit poster

    Hello, I just tried to reinstall Parallels Desktop 15 to my MBP and received the following message. This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies. My MBP just finished have the logic board which has the SSD built in. Can you assist with the key?
  10. ArielV2

    ArielV2 Bit poster

    Hello, I need to have my Parallels Desktop 15 Key cleared. I've only installed it on the current MBP which was recently out for repair. This is the message I receive. This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies.

    Thank you,
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, please restart your Mac and check the activation issue.
    Let us know how does it work for you.
  12. DeepakK6

    DeepakK6 Bit poster

    we are using parallels desktop 13 for Mac Home Edition and trying to re-activate the permanent license but it is showing "This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies" and I can no longer use this.
    how can I reactivate the same license on same MacBook.
  13. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We see that you have upgraded from Parallels Desktop 13 to Parallels Desktop Pro. You cannot use the previous key on one Mac and upgrade on the other. If you have a full Pro subscription then you can use Parallels Desktop 13 on one Mac and Pro subscription on other.
  14. StefanR8

    StefanR8 Bit poster

    Hi there, I cannot activate my Parallels Desktop 11 on Macbook Pro after changing mainboard. Version 10 seem to work. But 11 upgrade doesn't: says it's being used on another device though deactivated on Macbook Air.
    Can you help me with my issue?
    Kind regard,
  15. JitenZ1

    JitenZ1 Bit poster


    Hello Maria,

    I am trying to activate my Parallels 12 with jza****** but it still does not activate. It keeps saying "the license has reached its limit." I have my computer restored and this is the only computer I use it on. Can you please reset it so I can activate it. Thank you!
  16. JitenZ1

    JitenZ1 Bit poster

    Hello -

    I am trying to activate my Parallels 15 but it still does not activate. It keeps saying "the license has reached its limit." I have my computer restored and this is the only computer I use it on. Can you please reset it so I can activate it. Thank you!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2020
  17. Hello JitenZ1. We have made the necessary changes. Please try to activate now and it should work.
  18. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We have reset your Parallels Desktop 11 key. Try to activate again and let us know the results.
  19. StephenT9

    StephenT9 Bit poster

    Hi. I moved my parallels pro to a new Macbook Pro from a Mac Mini. I logged out and unintsalled on mac mini but I keep getting the message "the license has reached its limit." Please assist as I need this app urgently.
  20. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We have reset your Pro subscription key. Try to activate it.

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