Problems shutting down Leopard after running Parallels?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by gothick, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. gothick

    gothick Bit poster

    Hi all,

    Has anyone noticed a problem with shutting down their Mac after Parallels has been running? I'm having a problem where if I've run Parallels (5160, running XP), then when I come to shut down my MacBook, it hangs forever at the closedown screen, spinning its little gearwheel. When I force a shutdown and reboot, the last thing in the system.log in Console is always something like:

    Nov 26 08:51:44 Orac Parallels[5517]: Shutdown complete.

    Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas? I did an archive & install of Leopard, and reinstalled Parallels afterwards.


  2. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    do you close PD before you shut down your Mac?

    Best regards,
  3. gothick

    gothick Bit poster

    Yup. Every time. I shutdown XP cleanly, then close Parallels. In this case, it'd been several hours since I'd run Parallels that I tried to shutdown the MacBook, and there was nothing running other than the Finder.
  4. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team

    Do you use a bootcamp partition in a VM or not?
    And could you please show the whole system.log file?

    Best regards,
  5. kmacard

    kmacard Member

    I had the exact same problem. After running Parallels, any Mac program I opened after that would not launch properly. It would get like halfway opened with the icon appearing in the dock, but no program and it would not quit that half-open program. I had to do a hard reboot. I read on this forum about others having this same problem and the culprit appeared to be Parallels incompatibility with Spaces in Leopard. After running my system repairs, I disabled Spaces (which I love) and everything runs smoothly now. You might want to consider trying that to see if it fixes your problem. I am hoping Parallels will address this problem SOON.
  6. gothick

    gothick Bit poster

    It's just a standard parallels disk image; I've never used Boot Camp. Irritatingly, though, I just tried to reproduce the problem to see if I could get you a decent system.log -- the last one crossed midnight so it got split into two, and was over the course of several hours, anyway -- and I couldn't get it to happen again.

    I don't think I'm doing anything different, but today my machine seems quite happy to close down after Parallels has been running. If I see it happen again, I'll collect the system.log and let you know.
  7. gothick

    gothick Bit poster

    Well, I do have Spaces running, but I've never seen a problem with launching applications after parallels has run; that works just fine for me. It's only shutdown I was having an issue with, so maybe we don't have the same problem.


  8. gothick

    gothick Bit poster

    (Oh, and thanks for the quick reply, by the way!)

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