Problem with windows drivers on Apple Silicon

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CarlosC17, May 30, 2022.

  1. CarlosC17

    CarlosC17 Bit poster

    Hello all,

    In my company we've been using Parallels for some time to run windows and the apps needed to communicate with the hardware we sell. When testing an M1 MBA to see if we could upgrade the whole company to Apple Silicon, we found that the USB driver for one of the hardwares we sell does not work, I suspect it is because Windows 10 ARM does not have emulation for x86 drivers.
    I was wondering if it would be possible to, somehow, get around this even if it's just a temporary, less than perfect solution.
  2. Tharun@P

    Tharun@P Moderator

    Hello, We would like to inform you that the M1 Mac does not support x86 drivers developed for Intel chips. Parallels cannot simulate an Intel driver to work on the M1 Mac. This has to be done by the respective driver provider. Thanks.
  3. CarlosC17

    CarlosC17 Bit poster

    Thanks for the reply.
    Would it be possible to use something like QEMU to do this, as a temporary solution? Like installing Parallels on top of a QEMU layer that would make Parallels see an x64 instead of an ARM chip.
    Sorry if this makes no sense...
  4. Tharun@P

    Tharun@P Moderator

    Hello, You can try to run inside QEMU, but there is no guarantee that it will work, and we will not be able to help you if you are having issues inside QEMU. Thanks.

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