Microphone mute

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by Vilem, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Vilem

    Vilem Bit poster

    I have installed latest version Parallels tools for Mac, OS Monterey for apple silicon M1 Pro. MBPro 14". A week ago I started receiving notification from feature called "Mute Microphone" from Parallels tools saying, that Some application unssucessfully tried to unmute microphone, and it is still muted. I tried to find what application could do this, but not found anything unusual. Can anybody help me, where I can find more detailed information about the application, whis is trying to use microphone. Some parallels log, or something .. ? MacOS system privacy setting doesnt do anything helpful, its still the same, if I disable access for all apps.
  2. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Could you generate a tech report and send it to us, please? The instruction is available at https://kb.parallels.com/124107 . Once you obtain the report ID, send its number to us in your reply.
  3. Vilem

    Vilem Bit poster

    Hello, I have already sent you with report ID 401332364. Many thanks.
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Thank you! I've forwarded it to our R & D Team to have a look.
  5. Vilem

    Vilem Bit poster

    Hello, have you received any resolution yet please ? I am a bit nervous using my computer, if I do not know, what is wrong..
    Thank you
  6. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hi Vilem, yes, we discussed the case with R&D. If you're receiving this notification, it means that the 'Mute Microphone' tool from Toolbox is running, and some other application tried (unsuccessfully) to unmute the microphone. Unfortunately we don't have the information regarding what app tried to unmute the microphone.
  7. Vilem

    Vilem Bit poster

    Hello, hmmm.. its clear from the beginning, I can read the message :). I need to know, what application is doing it, otherwise its almost for nothing. Can you advice, how can I find what application it is ? There is no any detailed information in MACs logs..
  8. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hello Vilem,
    The 'Mute microphone' tool is designed to mute your Mac microphone. It doesn't inform customers what exact apps tried to do that. We don't have this information, unfortunately.
  9. Vilem

    Vilem Bit poster

    Hello guys, problem seems to be solved by latest mac osx update 12.5. This update is solving two "audio security bugs" in system. After update there is no any information about application which is trying to use microphone. For security reasons, it could be big improvement, if parallels tool "Mute microphone" can inform user about what application (name, process, etc..), not only unuseful "Some application". But better than nothing .. :)
  10. Denis5

    Denis5 Bit poster

    Thanks for your post, I'm having the same situation. I think it's really important to know which app is trying to unmute the mic.
  11. SEM_

    SEM_ Bit poster

    Caused on my system by MSTeamsAudioDevice

    Steps to resolve: Force kill process by that name, then delete everything at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/MSTeamsAudioDevice.driver
    If you use microsoft teams, which I no longer do on this device, this may be a problem.

    Found it using https://www.obdev.at/products/microsnitch/index.html, which did not indicate that the microphone was being used, but did alert that the MSTeamsAudioDevice was incompatible with the software and could not be properly monitored.

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