Windows 11 Update 0xc1900101 Error

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by FabioP4, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    And to make it even more frustrating I tried installing Win 10 ARM64 with an ISO generated by I tried both the latest Win 10 and a September 2022 version and they both gave me a BSOD. So much for that effort. I'm going to try to setup a VMWare workstation and see if 26020 will install on it.
  2. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    I went to and created a 26020 ISO. Installed VMWare 13, selected install from image file and dragged the ISO into the program. Waited around while VMware did whatever it is VMWare does to install an operating system, went through the entire Microsoft install for Windows 11, and VOILA! I now have Windows Canary 26020.1000 successfully running on my MacStuio. Parallls has a problem and I'd really like to see it get fixed soon.
    denethor, AlessandroL7 and ROBERTH75 like this.
  3. AlessandroL7

    AlessandroL7 Bit poster

    Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71).
  4. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    That's the latest release version. I just updated to the latest beta last night Same story but the VMWare success makes me thing the problem is NOT MacOS. I think there may be an obsolete (or at least outdated) driver included somewhere that Win11 isn't particularly fond of.
  5. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    As of Canary Insider release 25997, there have been no working Canary builds available to run under Parallels. Read back through this thread and you will see I have tried every conceivable method to get the updates to work with no success. I also test Beta and Developer Insider releases and they work with no problem. The problem needs to be fixed between Parallels and Microsoft. (Incidentally, update 26020.1000 works fine under VMWare so it is fixable)
  6. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Hmm, as a follow-up to my response above, if the Beta and Developer version both update and work as expected but the Canary version consistently fails to upgrade with the same Oxc1900101 error, it seems to me the problem would lie with MS, but try telling them that. :)
  7. mnfe

    mnfe Bit poster

    I remembered this issue arising many years ago with Windows 10 and a much earlier version of Parallels. The solution (or workaround) at the time worked this time as well. In advanced CPU settings, switch from Parallels hypervisor to Apple. It worked for me. After I installed the newest version of Win11, I tried to switch back to the parallels hypervisor and I got a green screen upon reboot. It only works with the Apple hypervisor.
  8. AlessandroL7

    AlessandroL7 Bit poster

    Where do you find the option you mentioned? In my Control center->Configuration->Hardware->CPU and Memory->Advanced I only have the possibility to uncheck the option "Adaptable hypervisor". Unchecking this item, the updating process still fails with the same error. But, maybe, I didn't operate as you suggested...
  9. MarcinB3

    MarcinB3 Bit poster

    I wonder why nobody from Parallels didn't post any comment on this ...
    Do they even work on this or so ...
    denethor and AlessandroL7 like this.
  10. fmotta

    fmotta Bit poster

    Same for me!
  11. MarcinB3

    MarcinB3 Bit poster

    That option was available in previous Parallels version as I remember.
    In current build this is not available or I missed smth.
  12. FabienM1

    FabienM1 Bit poster

    Same problem here.
  13. mnfe

    mnfe Bit poster

    I'm running Parallels Intel version 19.0.0 (54570) on a MacBookPro 15" 2019 (MacBookPro15,3). I go to Settings->Hardware->CPU & Memory->Advanced->Hypervisor. There is a drop-down menu that allows me to choose either Parallels or Apple. The default is Parallels and I selected Apple.
  14. ROBERTH75

    ROBERTH75 Bit poster

    well most of us are on 19.2.1 that has removed the hypervisor selection....
  15. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Well, there is a Hypervisor question in 19.2.1 and it's where mnfe states. However, there is no Apple or Parallels selection, just the choice of Adaptive Hypervisor or not.
  16. BradenC

    BradenC Bit poster

    I can confirm that:
    1. Parallels Desktop 19 Pro Intel 19.2.1 (54832) does indeed allow selecting the Apple Hypervisor (this option has not been removed):
    2. This configuration will allow fresh installation of, and in-place upgrade to, Windows 11 Pro Insider 26020.1000
  17. DonC11

    DonC11 Bit poster

    Same Issue - The error seems to be associated with a driver problem- but several other updates have been successful except for the last three.
  18. denethor

    denethor Junior Member

    Well this has nothing to do with Parallels version.(19 or 19.2) Parallels or any other virtualization layer is not possible on Apple Silicon therefore only Apple Virtualization available as option. That is why we don't have advanced virtualization options like "nested virtualization" on M series processors. Apple hypervisor layer does not support it.
    Looks like @mnfe uses Intel CPU and that why he/she has that options.
    AlessandroL7 likes this.
  19. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Notice the word INTEL above. He's running an Intel version Macbook. He must have overlooked the ARM or Apple Silicon part of the problem.
    AlessandroL7 likes this.
  20. BradenC

    BradenC Bit poster

    In respect of the OP's question:
    • If you're running Intel silicon: you're in luck! Switch to the Apple hypervisor and you have a workaround.
    • If you're running Apple silicon: you're in not-so-much luck. You'll need to wait for the root issues to be addressed, or switch to VMware, if running Canary builds is that important to you.

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