Can I allocate more than 2GB of RAM for a VM?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by wgpubs, May 5, 2008.

  1. wgpubs

    wgpubs Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I have a MBP with 4GB of RAM with a Windows Server 2008 VM. Parallels only allows me to allocate up to 2 GBs of RAM for the VM ... whereas, ideally, I'd like to allocate 3 GB in this particular case.

    Is there any way to do this?

    Is an update perhaps on the horizon that would allow this?

    Or ... is this just the way it is. If so, an explanation might be helpful.

    Thanks - wayde
  2. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    No. This is a limitation of our current architecture.

    The next major Parallels Desktop version will support at least 8GB of guest memory. This feature is marked as mandatory in our schedule. If you really need more than 2GB of memory for your guest you can try Parallels Server beta:
  3. jackybe67

    jackybe67 Pro

    When can we aspect new release?

    Vmware has a new beta out......
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    8GB per VM!? Start the presses! That is like officially saying next Parallels desktop for Mac will finnally support 64bit guest OSes. ;>

    (Since Parallels Server for Mac already supports 64bit guest OSes it was only a matter of time anyway, it is also obvious for me that next release will support more than one CPU per VM).
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  5. Jay Levitt

    Jay Levitt Member

    Wow - thanks for mentioning that. I spent all of Sunday reading about VMWare, Xen, KVM, and Parallels, and I remember thinking "Hey, shouldn't Fusion have a new beta by now?"

    It looks pretty impressive - and just in time, since I'm now hitting the "your Mac has too much memory" bug in Parallels, and (of course) I got no reply from Parallels support. Off I go to try Fusion.
  6. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    Next major release of Parallels Desktop will support 64-bit guests, virtual SMP, 8GB of memory for guests. These features are mandatory.
  7. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    You know, I can't answer this question. The only thing I can say is that active development of next generation of Parallels Desktop has started.
  8. mmanelski

    mmanelski Bit poster

    The features that Parallels has marked as "mandatory" are quite impressive… and necessary. They are apparently listening to our needs.

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