Display problems with Leopard update 10.5.3

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by aidan, May 28, 2008.

  1. RossDJones

    RossDJones Bit poster

    Kills my PC software demos...

    Same problems here... MacPro 2.66GHz 8GB RAM (2GB per Parallels VM) ATI Radeon X1900 with 512MB.
    This is a real problem for me. I demo PC software in a Parallels Win XP VM, and this flickering kills my demos..
    I would switch back to demoing the software on a PC, but my PC is too slow..!
    Ironic or what - that I can demo PC software more effectively on a Mac than on the native PC platform..!
  2. kevinvh@mac.com

    kevinvh@mac.com Member

    Same display problems as others:
    MBP 17" Core 2 Duo with GForce 8600M GT
    30" Apple Display
    XP Pro SP3
    Parallels Desktop for Mac 5600
  3. scot kamins

    scot kamins Bit poster

    Ditto to the display problems. Running 2.8 ghz 24" imac with 2 GB ram
  4. casekraker

    casekraker Bit poster

    Any Word on this one...

    Kinda driving me crazy...
  5. kevinvh@mac.com

    kevinvh@mac.com Member

  6. cyran

    cyran Bit poster

    I Solved the Flicker on My MacPro

    I have gone through the usual trouble shooting steps including reboots of XP, reboots of OSX10.5.3, running single programs to attempt to identify specific software issues.

    Finally solved it by resetting PRAM: Restart OSX while holding down CMD+Opt+P+R

    Been stable since. Thank goodness! I was ready to tear what little hair I have left out.

  7. alanwf

    alanwf Bit poster

    Thank you!
    You can count another user with the same display problems. My specs:
    MBP 2.4Ghz Intel, 4Gb RAM, Mac OSX 10.5.3.

    Looking forward for the upcoming 5601 build,

    - Alan
  8. WooferWalker

    WooferWalker Bit poster

    I've found what appears to be a quick solution whenever the flashing begins. Simply select View from the Parallels Desktop menu. You don't have to choose another View option. Just selecting (click on it to highlight) it causes the flashing to stop and the display window appears normal.

    I'm running on an iMac 2.8GHz w/2GB memory w/Leopard 10.5.3 and Parallels (build 5600) is running on my second monitor in Single Window mode.
  9. Wozza

    Wozza Bit poster

    One thing to look at is disabling the Direct X shaders (or something like that) in the initial configuration. I did that it seems to have cleared up 90% of my problems. Not totally gone, but way better
  10. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Bellow is copy of my post in thread http://forums.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=21247

    Hello all,

    I will try to answer to all questions for past 2 days
    1. For whom it didn't help, please reinstall Parallels Desktop as described in http://kb.parallels.com/en/4790
    We tested in every possible combination, and we are sure that flickering problem is resolved - and at last if problem is still there, please create ticket in support, with subject flickering - just give a call and ask assign to John @Parallels.
    I will be able to trace those tickets during weekend

    2. About localized builds, we are doing very hard work to localize Parallels Desktop as soon as possible, I hope I will be able to provide some information in Monday

    3. About hidden link - we are working to improve autoupdate, and again I hope, I will be able to answer in Monday about this

    Please provide additional questions, if I missed something

    Build 5604 can be downloaded from http://download.parallels.com/v3/en/GA/Parallels-Desktop-5604-Mac-en.dmg
  11. Wozza

    Wozza Bit poster

    And as a nice touch I see that Parallel Tools automatically recognizes that it needs to update itself. Very nice.

    Installed fine, no flicker so far, let's keep playing!

    Good job!
  12. sbpinnacle

    sbpinnacle Bit poster

    Big improvement with the update to 5604... Thank you! Back to normal running smooth.
  13. bonda02

    bonda02 Bit poster

    I have experienced the same problem since upgrading Leopard. As soon as I switch from window view to full screen, the resolution problem appears to go away.
  14. Bob Hase

    Bob Hase Bit poster

    I have the same problem

    I uses Spaces, switching to another Space (Window) and back makes the problem go away for a while.
    Usual happens when closing an application window parts of the display seems to flash between what was there and what is there now.
    Very annoying.
    Outlook 2007 seems to trigger it more than most.
  15. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  16. Bob Hase

    Bob Hase Bit poster

    I have the same problem

    Downloaded 5608
    Seems to be fixed.
  17. Airw0lf

    Airw0lf Junior Member

    since 5608 was released for international users too, it fixed my problem :)
  18. Kazuri

    Kazuri Bit poster

    I see you said you were investigating the problem back in June -- it's September now, so any luck yet? I just upgraded to Leopard OS 10.5.4 (Using Parallels 3.0 Build 5584, Windows XP). Never had any problem with Tiger, but as soon as I upgraded I got the screen flickering problem (actually rapid toggling back and forth between successive views) described by others above.

    So, any good news about how to fix this? Thanks.
  19. kevinvh@mac.com

    kevinvh@mac.com Member

    You need Build 5608
  20. cahaverl

    cahaverl Bit poster

    I'm Seeing this problem with build 5608

    I just started seeing this problem today with build 5608. Over the weekend I did sleep the machine serveral times, and I woke it up using a WakeOnLan magic packet. Today I woke it up using the power button and I have persistent Parallels VM screen corruption, which rebooting the VM didn't clear. I'll try to follow the instructions above to file a ticket.


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