Scrolling in java applications on 5160

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by larsgraulund, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    John, I will no doubt purchase the upgrade to PD4. Personally I have no problem with major upgrades have a fee associated with them as I would like you guys to stay in business :). Having said that I also have a problem right now that is difficult to live with. When is PD4 coming out? Is there a chance to be part of a beta program? I will also look at the server option but that seems like a bit much for laptop...

    Thank you,
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Beta will be available in September, and sure you will be able to take part in testing
  3. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    Thanks John, looks like my only option is to wait until the September and hope the beta is stable enough to use every day. I did take a look at Parallels Server for Mac but it has features I do not need and would not use in my configuration, and unless you have 2 month special pricing the price for users with this issue, I cannot justify it.

    Please keep me on the beta notification list.
  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    2 month is free
  5. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    That is good to know. So your suggestion is that I download and use (free for 2 months) the Server product now and when PD4 is available move to that. This will likely be a beta of PD4 which is planned to be available in the September time frame. Following the beta I can upgrade to PD4 release the file formats will be the same between PD4 and Server. Do I have this correct?

    I have a couple additional questions for you:
    1) Can Parallels Server coexist on the same machine with my current PD3?
    2) If I upgrade to Server temporarily and the PD4 beta release is delayed what happens? Will I be able to downgrade back to my current PD3?

    Thank you for working with me to hopefully find a short term solution.
  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    1) Can Parallels Server coexist on the same machine with my current PD3?

    Only with version build 5584 and lower, build 5600 and higher detects presence of PS, also you will not be able to run PS and PD Vms to run at the same time

    2) If I upgrade to Server temporarily and the PD4 beta release is delayed what happens? Will I be able to downgrade back to my current PD3?

    No, format is not reversible,
  7. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member


    Thank you again for your response. I think you can see what my issue is. If I upgrade for 2 months to Server and then the beta is not ready for daily use, I will be stuck, unable to go back with only the option to purchase a full Server license. While this might all work out, there is to much risk in this option as I rely on Parallels every day.

    Given this, the problem this bug causes, and the timing of PD4 I am again requesting a fix be provided for PD3 to resolve this issue.

    Thank you,
  8. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Bug submitted
  9. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    Thank you please notifiy me when a fix is ready.
  10. aaltieri

    aaltieri Member


    Thanks for looking into this for us. I'm interested in beta testing pd4 as well. However, as I use this VM for production purposes, I really can't risk it NOT working, or having serious issues. So ps is out for me as well.

    Not sure if a second vote would help the debugging along. Please let us know if you find anything.


  11. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I am checking status periodically, if there are any news, I 'll post here
  12. DavidMLewis

    DavidMLewis Member

    found workaround

    I'm having this issue, and I found a workaround short of pulling Parallels Tools. With the latest Parallels Tools installed and running, right-click on the Windows desktop (I happen to be using XP SP3), and select Properties. Select the Settings tab in the dialog, and then click the Advanced button. In that dialog, select the Troubleshoot tab. Move the Hardware acceleration slider to the third position from the left, at which point the text will begin, "Disable all DirectDraw and Direct3D acceleration," and the problem will go away. Hope this gives a hint.

    In the meantime, if Parallels can suggest a way in which Java coders can avoid triggering the problem, that would also be nice.

  13. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Thank you I will provide developers with this information
  14. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    David, thank you for posting this work around. I am not sure what I am giving up by doing this but it clearly works for me. FYI I am on windows 2003.
  15. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    Ok so now I know at least one thing I am giving up. The cursor does synchronize cleanly when the hardware accelration is set low as David suggests. The only solution I have found is to disable to cursor sync altogether which works but is again not optimal. While I have something that works "better" for the java applications, I am still hoping that Parallels will provide a real fix.

  16. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    Update on Parallels 4 Beta

    It has been mentioned that Parallels 4 corrects the problem described in this thread. A target time frame had the beta program tentatively scheduled to begin September. Is there an update on the beta program, has it started?

    Thanks in advance.
  17. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Parallels Desktop beta 4 is not available for public testing yet
  18. mfkilgore

    mfkilgore Member

    Thanks for the update, please add me to the list for the start of public beta. Do you have a target date?
  19. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Sorry, no, public beta will be announced on our site
  20. aaltieri

    aaltieri Member

    Is that because there will be no public Beta? I mean...whose site would announce YOUR beta releases?

    That seemed like a rather useless response, John. Maybe a little customer service here? Where WOULD a beta announcement be found? It's not like we've been fighting with this issue across multiple releases of multiple versions or anything.


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