I see that Command and Conquer 3 using parallels 3.0 is a known issue. Have there been any fixes for this in order for it to run? I get the usual "Direct X" error to make sure I have 9.0 (I do) and to make sure my video card is working properly. Does it work if you just boot windows from bootcamp? I'm running a macbook 2.2ghz with 4gb of ram. Thanks!
this is not any help, but i just got the Mac version and it works great. it's the only game i have EA that has ever installed and performed flawlessly on a mac, and it's just a simple newer aluminim iMac with 4 gig ram. anyway, have fun when u get it running - it's a cool game!!! coocoo
Not any help!? Dude, I just answered what the guy asked, which was: "Does it work if you just boot windows from bootcamp?". I prefer to answer people's questions than to answer the questions I would think people should ask.