No airport internet connection in XP or OS X

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by John N., Nov 15, 2008.

  1. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    I installed Parallels 4 and now I lose Airport connectivity as soon as I start up Windows XP. I can't connect to the internet in XP, nor can I connect in OS X. I've spent hours trying different configurations in VM without success. This was not a problem for me using Parallels 3. I've tried turning off all Firewalls in XP, but still no success.

    When I connect to the router using an ethernet cable, however, I have no problem connecting to the internet in XP and OS X. The (home) wireless network I connect to is password protected, whereas the ethernet connection does not require a password. So I am thinking the password protection through Airport is relevant.

    Having wireless connectivity to the internet is major for me, so any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!
  2. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Have you tried Shared Networking? It should perfectly fit in your environment
  3. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    Ok, thanks for narrowing the solutions down to Shared Networking, Elric.

    Unfortunately, just turning on Shared Networking doesn't solve the problem. It's still the case that as soon as I start up Windows XP, all Airport connectivity is lost in both OS X and XP. The Airport icon in the menu bar in OS X alternates between off (dimmed) and on. In XP, a balloon keeps coming up to say the "a cable has been unplugged" for a LAN connection 3. As I say, when I use an ethernet connection to the internet, Parallels works fine, but it's a connection using Airport that I need.
  4. unused_user_name

    unused_user_name Pro

    Does the problem still happen if you remove the virtual machine's network card using "virtual machine"->configure (while the virtual machine is not running)?

    Don't forget to add the network card back into the virtual machine configuration after testing it...
  5. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Ok, let's settle it down...

    Could you please send me two problem reports: one when VM is off and airport connection works normally and another when VM is configured to use shared networking, is on and connection lost. Problem report could be sent using menu Help->"Report a problem". Please post here number of reports.
  6. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Yep, it is also very interesting to check!
  7. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    I have sent a problem report #13188 reporting state of OS X when Airport is working fine. I can't generate a problem report when VM is running and Airport is not, because I lose all connection in XP and OS X as soon as VM is started (quite literally, *as soon* as I hit Windows XP, I lose all Airport connectivity - so no Kaspersky updating of database, no internet, no Parallels problem report).
  8. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    Thanks for the suggestion. However, the problem persists even when I remove the Network Card in Configure when VM is not running.
  9. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Thank you. This first report turned out to be sufficient.
    There are frequently appeared lines in the system.log

    Nov 15 14:14:05 computer lookupd[327]: lookupd (version 369.6) starting - Sat Nov 15 14:14:05 2008
    Nov 15 14:14:10 computer launchd: Server 33e7 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[327]: exited abnormally: Hangup

    Digging the web had shown, that this is rather frequent problem and there could be several possible reasons with it.

    I think that removing the AirPort connection and adding it again may resolve the problem. To make it, please write somewhere your AirPort settings (network, authentication type etc), go to the Mac OS X settings for Network, press unlock

    Unfortunately I can't provide screenshots at the moment, so for now just plain text about hot to remove and add Airport Network. Make sure that you have all required information to configure your Airport from scratch.

    Please go to the Mac OS X System Preferences -> Networking.
    If the lock icon is locked, please click on it (it will ask for your password) and unlock.
    Click on the Airport connection and press '-' button in the botoom part of the window and remove the configuration for Airport.
    Then press '+' and add an Airport connection again. Then configure it with your settings.

    I hope it should help.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  10. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    Thanks again. This sounds encouraging to me and I will try out your suggestion and report back within the next day or two.
  11. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    I followed the suggestion of removing the configuration in Airport and reinstalling my wireless network connection, but still Airport connection disappears in both OS X and XP the instant I start up XP (using Shared Networking). So, back to square 1, I'm afraid.
  12. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

  13. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    I followed your advice, Elric.

    The Keychains FirstAid didn't report any problems, but I deleted the login keychain and started a brand new one. But the problem persists. As soon as XP start up, no airport connection in XP and OS and as soon as I shut down XP, airport connection is restored in OS. When I start XP, the airport icon dims on and off - it doesn't disappear completely, as it does when you turn off airport. All your suggestions seemed reasonable, but still no breakthrough...
  14. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Do you have an access to your Access Point Router? Could you please try to "Enable SSID Broadcast" on it?

    Disabling this may resolve the problem and should not weaken networking protection.
  15. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Also could you please send us the full name of your Access Point Router model?
  16. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Here is a couple more simple things to do that may help:

    1) Please repair disk permissions using the "Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions" utility

    2) Please test and repair a disk with the Disk Utility
  17. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    Yes, I will try to do this in the next day or two. And, Elric, thank you for staying with this problem and heloping me navigate my way through it.
  18. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    My Access point Router Model is D-Link DI-524. I was able to change the settings to make SSID disabled, but my problem persists. I also used Disk Utility to verify and repair my MacBook, but there didn't seem to be any serious problems with permissions.
  19. John N.

    John N. Junior Member

    Elric, SUCCESS! I now have internet connection through Airport in both OS X and XP.

    What I did tonight was to *update* a number of Apple applications using Software Update. Although I am usually pretty diligent about keeping applications updated, I had neglected this over the last couple of months. Tonight, I inspected more carefully the applications I was being prompted to update on startup. I went through each one looking for any reference to Airport (remember: I never had a problem connecting to the internet through ethernet) and there were 3 of them. I can't be sure, but I think they were: Airport Disk Utility 1.5, Airport Utility 5.3.2, and Migration Assistant 1.0.6. After restarting the computer, Airport connectivity worked as it should in XP and OS X. I update all 3 all at once, so I can't know which one(s) were critical.

    I want to thank you, very sincerely, for taking me through the many options you recommended. Having looked at so many options, I felt there must be something not quite right about my setup and that's what made me take the time to update all my Airport-related software.

    Thanks again, John N.
  20. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Thank you -) this solution will be passed to the support team

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