Error 2738 During Tools Install

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jb34819, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. jb34819

    jb34819 Bit poster

    Trying to upgrade my XP SP3 VM. I get the message Error 2738: Could not access VBScript Runtime. Tools install then exits and forces a reboot. Repeat same..
    Using iMac Leopard OS..
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Remove HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}
    run cmd.exe 'As Administrator’
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll
    stop , exit PD and start VM again
  3. jb34819

    jb34819 Bit poster

    That CLSID is not present in my registry.
  4. jb34819

    jb34819 Bit poster

    I registered the dll and it worked .. Thanks for the quick reply!
  5. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    Better description

    Nov 11, 2008 03:31 PM
    John@Parallels "Remove HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}
    run cmd.exe 'As Administrator’
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll
    stop , exit PD and start VM again"

  6. Yeolegood

    Yeolegood Member

    Basically, PD stands for Parallels Desktop and VM stands for Virtual Machine.

    In more details, you need to Open registry editor in Windows (you can simply go to Start in left down corner of the screen, clisk on "run", type "regedit" and hit enter to reach it) and remove HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}

    Then you need to open Command Prompt (you can simply go to Start in left down corner of the screen, clisk on "run", type "cmd" and hit enter to reach it)

    And then type command below:

    regsvr32 vbscript.dll

    Hit enter. Stop Windows gracefully, stop Parallels Desktop and start Virtual Machine again.
  7. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" does not appear in the CLSID folder.

    Hey thank you for your rapid response.

    BUT I still have the problem since "{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" does not appear in the CLSID folder.
    It only appears {287AA99..., {5E4405B0..., {6AB55F46...,{7AABBB95..., and {e2c40589.

    What can I do then?

  8. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}

    Hey thank you for your rapid response.

    BUT I still have the problem since "{ B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" does not appear in the CLSID folder.
    It only appears {287AA99..., {5E4405B0..., {6AB55F46...,{7AABBB95..., and {e2c40589.

    What can I do then?

  9. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    Please somebody help me

    As I said before { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} does not appear in the CLSID folder. Can anyone in Parallels help me please?
  10. toonsms

    toonsms Bit poster

    With all due respect to the very technical person trying to help, this is NOT helpful to most people.
    You need to explain to the OP what is going on and what to do in his predicament. You are ignoring that his session is restarting every time. This is an outline of what he needs to do. You can respond with the details:

    1. start your image
    2. let the p-tools start and display the error 2728
    3. Do NOT hit the okay button that says it will restart
    4. Hit -> Start -> Type in Run box: regedit hit ENTER
    5. This opens up the registry editor. You are going to look for the following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> CLASSES -> CLSID -> { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}.
    6. Right Click on { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} and hit DELETE. Confirm this delete by hitting Okay.
    7. Search for the folder c:\program files\parellels\
    8. Right Click on the folder Parellel Tools
    9. Go to -> Start -> Restart - let parellels desktop restart
    10. Now the parellel tools will not start
    11. Now go to Start -> Type in the Run box: cmd
    12. A command console will come up. Type in: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and hit ENTER
    13. A box will come up saying DLL was registered. If any other error comes up please check your spelling and try again.
    14. Click Okay
    15. In the Command Window type Exit hit ENTER
    16. Now restart windows again
    17. When Windows is fully done loading, in the Mac menu bar for Parellels click Virtual Machine -> Install Parellels Tools. This is also available on the bottom right of the VM Window at the far right. You will see that there is a Red X indicating that the Tools are not yet installed. Note: This icon is on the Mac window not inside the VM in Windows.
    18. In Windows, after a moment, click on the link in the Message Box that appears to Install Parellel Tools
    19. An installer will run. It should get further then it did when you first experienced the error.
    20. When the install is complete it will restart your VM one more time.
    21. When it is done installing, and all went well, and Windows has finished restarting, the install will not run again and you will notice that the Red X is gone from the Tools icon on the bottom right hand side of the Mac VM Window.

    Note to Parellels: This bug has been there in every release of this product I have used. Can you PLEASE take out the VBScript references in the Install and / or Product so we don't have to register this outdated and VERY unsafe DLL from our systems.
  11. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    help again!

    Hey toonsms! thank you so much for your help but I still cant make it, see when I type regsvr32 vbscript.dll a legend appears and it says 'Loadlibrary (vbscript.dll) failed-the specified module could not be found'.

    What can I do then?

    Thank you so much!
  12. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Please try the following steps (taken from kb )

    If you have an XP virtual machine, please, the steps below:
    If you have Windows VISTA, then click start->run, type cmd.exe, right-click on found "cmd.exe" and choos "Run as administrator". then type in the appeared window

    c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 vbscript.dll
  13. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    Its done!

    thank you so much for your help.
    Have a nice weekend!
  14. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    I too do not have that key in my registry (64-bit Windows 7). And I registered vbscript.dll.
    My parallels folder is in
    c:\Program Files(X86)\parallels
    If I right-click the tools folder, there is no start/restart option.

    And the current handling of this error puts the user into an endless loop. The Parallels Tools should not start automatically in this case.

    So I still cannot reinstall (or uninstall) Parallels Tools.
    Now I get 2 of the VBscript errors! (I followed both ressvr32 commands above).
    Help please.
  15. PVS

    PVS Bit poster

    Windows 7 (64 bit)

    For those of you that want to install Parallels tools on a Windows 7 (64bit) version:

    The steps posted above work for the 32 bit version. The CLSID for the 64 bit version is in a different path as noted below. I'm posting the complete instructions for your convenience (thanks toonsms!)

    1. start your image
    2. let the p-tools start and display the error 2728
    3. Do NOT hit the okay button that says it will restart
    4. Hit -> Start -> Type in Run box: regedit hit ENTER
    5. This opens up the registry editor. You are going to look for the following:
    For 32 bit Windows 7 HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> CLASSES -> CLSID -> { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}.

    For 64 bit Windows 7 HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> CLASSES -> Wow6432Node -> CLSID -> { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}.
    6. Right Click on { B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} and hit DELETE. Confirm this delete by hitting Okay.
    7. Search for the folder c:\program files\parellels\
    8. Right Click on the folder Parellel Tools
    9. Go to -> Start -> Restart - let parellels desktop restart
    10. Now the parellel tools will not start
    11. Now go to Start -> Type in the Run box: cmd
    12. A command console will come up. Type in: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and hit ENTER
    13. A box will come up saying DLL was registered. If any other error comes up please check your spelling and try again.
    14. Click Okay
    15. In the Command Window type Exit hit ENTER
    16. Now restart windows again
    17. When Windows is fully done loading, in the Mac menu bar for Parellels click Virtual Machine -> Install Parellels Tools. This is also available on the bottom right of the VM Window at the far right. You will see that there is a Red X indicating that the Tools are not yet installed. Note: This icon is on the Mac window not inside the VM in Windows.
    18. In Windows, after a moment, click on the link in the Message Box that appears to Install Parellel Tools
    19. An installer will run. It should get further then it did when you first experienced the error.
    20. When the install is complete it will restart your VM one more time.
    21. When it is done installing, and all went well, and Windows has finished restarting, the install will not run again and you will notice that the Red X is gone from the Tools icon on the bottom right hand side of the Mac VM Window.


    - PV
  16. VÃ ctorM

    VÃ ctorM Bit poster

    Hello, I am reinstalling Parallels Desktop 4, but again I´m having troubles with the installation of Parallels Tools. Befor you told me to download script 5.7, and back then it worked BUT when I try to do it again it simply does not work and the Error 2734 continues to happen, what can I do?-Thanks
  17. catdad

    catdad Member

    I don't know what's wrong (I have the 32-bit version of W7 and Parallels 6) but that string is not in that directory, but in the previous directory (I can't remember the name now). Oddly enough I didn't have a problem installing the latest Tools in my W7 partition of my Macbook Pro, which contains a cloned installation of my Parallels installation.
    And when I attempted to delete it I got an error (something about a wrong key; again, I didn't write the exact message down).
  18. TheRealTiger

    TheRealTiger Bit poster

    It won't let me delete that key, or any of them that have that value.

    Running Windows 7 32-bit on Mac OS X. The vbscript.dll registers successfully, but upon reboot, same 2738 error. Also upgraded to parallels 6, same issue.
  19. Frames

    Frames Bit poster

    Error 2738 could not access VBScript

    Exactly same thing happened on me yesterday. I'm on Parallels Desktop v7 and Windows7Pro.
    My Parallels Desktop was working fine until I accept an update to fix bugs etcs.
    After update with it, every time I started Parallels Desktop I got this error, Error 2738 could not access VBScript ....

    I emailed support team and received a response which leads no fixes.
    Only one solution to fix this is, uninstall the Parallels Desktop and reinstall, AS ALWAYS I DO.

    This is real pain. Every time update something, exactly same thing happens.
  20. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi Frames,

    As I see from the ticket, you solved the issue by re-intsall. If you ever face this issue again, will help. And feel free to post on our Forums!

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