Hi Group! Just wanted to get a difinitve answer on this. I've searched the forums, and have a general idea as to how and why but if I may... And you can try this at home too! If I open Youtube, and search for HD videos, i can view the video in normal mode and in HD quality. But when I try to view the video in full screen HD quality, the window freezes. I am forced to escape. I've bumped up the memory in the video preferences. And have tried every possible combination of video settings to the host and guest OS. Anyone know why i can't view these HD videos in full screen? Thanks a bunch!
Hello Harpercollins, While the Flash player is in normal mode, right click on the player and choose "Settings" from the context menu. Remove the checkmark in the box next to "Enable Hardware Acceleration" and see if that makes a difference. Thank you.
Bopanna! Your a genius! I would have never had thought to consider the Flash plug-in. Thanks a bunch!