Has anyone got this software to work?

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by bijou, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. braynor

    braynor Bit poster

    Transfer went fine with agent/transporter combo

    I too had continual errors when trying to use the transporter on my XP box. This happened when writing to network drives, usb drives and local drives in both regular and safe with networking modes. It would get between 17% and 50% before failing.

    Finally, I tried firing up the transporter on the Mac and pulling XP. That worked fine, first time I tried. The machine booted with no problems and immediately informed me that I have to activate the software, as the configuration has changed (no kidding)..

  2. sjledet

    sjledet Bit poster

    Does Transporter require your local boot drive to be C:

    I am trying to run Transporter on a Windows box where the boot drive letter is F: (I had previously installed a second drive and later converted it to the startup disk in the computer).

    When Transporter runs it doesn't recognize any volumes at all.

    Anyone else having the experience of Transporter not seeing any local volumes? Or has anyone successfully run Transporter on a Windows box where the boot drive was not C:/?
  3. STim

    STim Bit poster

  4. joejoethedogfaceboy

    joejoethedogfaceboy Bit poster


    Awesome, Tim! I had downloaded the Windows Transporter Beta earlier in the day and was having the same problems: stopping at 50% with the "hardware changed" error. Updated to the newest versions as you suggested and it worked on the first try!

    I was imaging a physical XP laptop and it worked as advertised. Thanks a million.

  5. Powertrip

    Powertrip Bit poster

    Thanks Tim,
    Tried the new version (1068), and I am having the same results as many others - the Migration just halts somewhere around the halfway mark. No useful errors. I am trying to do a local migration (of my XPSP2 box, to a secondary drive), and fails every time. Even tried from a second PC via the network with the same result.

    Any thoughts from the Parallels team what may be causing the issue? Anything we should look out for? Where can I find a log file?

  6. STim

    STim Bit poster


    Thanks for letting us know. My single idea and suggestion - will you please run Windows disk error-checking against the drives intended for migration? If there are filesystem errors there, they could probably cause this behavior.

    The log files are here
    1. Any log files found on the Windows machine being migrated at %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\Parallels Transporter\
    2. Any log files found on Mac at ~/Library/Logs/Parallels/ if you're migrating from Windows to Mac via network.

    Please attach the logs to your next forum post - they don't contain any private information of yours. Or just send them to beta@parallels.com along with the link to this thread.


    Best regards,
  7. russwood

    russwood Bit poster


    Installed on XP SP 2 running via bootcamp. When attempt to image, crashed connecting to agent. Files attached.

    Attached Files:

  8. ciparis

    ciparis Junior Member

    Doesn't work here -- the agent quits a few seconds in. Vista RC2 (5744).
  9. jrv

    jrv Junior Member

    Here's a failure.

    Mac: Transporter 1068
    Windows 2000: Transporter Agent 1068

    Note that sometimes Transporter succeeds. After a failure: exit Transporter, restart Transporter, and try again. It is not necessary to restart Transporter Agent, only Transporter. Several attempts may be needed.

    FYI - note that when this transport does succeed, Transporter does not make thing image bootable as requested: the Windows 2000 in the VM crashes during boot within Parallels/Mac with the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error

    Attached Files:

  10. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    best to unplug the ethernet connection
    and disable any automatic actions

    like virus scans or go to sleep
    VDU power saving is OK

    then it will work to a usb external HD which then you can plug into the other machine

    typically i go to bed and leave it running

    Hugh W
  11. Powertrip

    Powertrip Bit poster


    No disk errors to speak of. I've attached the 2 log files to this post. Hopefully these will explain what the issue is...
    In looking through the files this one line stood out:

    2007-01-11 18:14:30.484 [D] AG00005.08: -- CXmlPacket::perform -- CXmlPacket::processBackup -- CLocalComputer::process-- CLocalComputer::backup() -- CLocalComputer::backup(); -- Failed to perform xml packet -- Failed to process backup-- Failed to backup hard disks -- local code # 2 -- module # 2 -- code # 131074; 24117275

    Hope this helps,

    Attached Files:

  12. focalrecursion

    focalrecursion Bit poster

    I just tried migrating a XP Pro workstation with the latest beta and i got the same error as well, i can also attach log files if needed.


  13. STim

    STim Bit poster


    Please attach them or send to beta@parallels.com

    Best regards,
  14. focalrecursion

    focalrecursion Bit poster


    I have attached the log-files. This was from my latest attempt when I tried to do just a data copy of the workstation to see if i could attach it to a parallels virtual machine.



    Attached Files:

  15. Powertrip

    Powertrip Bit poster

    Any updates Tim? Were any of these log files of use? At the minimum, do you know what the underlying issue is yet?

  16. msgreenf

    msgreenf Bit poster

    I am having the same problems. I have tried fixing the disc errors but still nothing...I have tried doing a local export and network based and neither works. I am trying to make it a bootable image.

    Attached Files:

  17. msgreenf

    msgreenf Bit poster

    I tried doing it again with Norton AV disabled and with my network connection off to external HD, same problems. Please help! I would love to use Parallels but I want to migrate my old pc not start from scratch!

    My windows XP machine is a Dell Inspiron 4150 running win XP SP2 full up to date
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  18. msgreenf

    msgreenf Bit poster

    anyone have any other ideas? I really want to get my Parallels working but I dont want to have to re-install windows..
  19. Powertrip

    Powertrip Bit poster


    Tim, anyone? Any updates to the status of this software??
    I'm concerned since Tim suggests that we all attach our log files to this thread, but as you can see many of them haven't even been 'viewed' at all.... has Parallels given up on Transporter?
    It's too bad since this could be a wonderful application, if the Parallels team could get it functioning consistently for users.....

  20. acmetech

    acmetech Bit poster

    Failed moving XP from Dell Laptop to MacBook Pro

    I'm on my fifth attempt at pulling an XP install onto Macbook Pro. Running build 1068 on Mac, the Transporter agent was downloaded for Win at same time (1/31/07) so it's the latest available on site. I'm transferring over wireless on both sides.

    I get anywhere between 10% and 40% before it craps out. I can also confirm the problem that the Mac transporter has to be restarted before you can start a new attempt.

    I know much less about windows than I do macs, so some advice on various things which might be getting in the way on the XP side would be appreciated. I went looking around for the "repair disk errors" recommendation earlier in this thread. All I found was the chkdsk utility; is that what I wanted? I did run that (took a long time) and fixed a couple issues. I've had a failure since that though.

    What besides anti-virus software should be disabled? is there a way to boot which disables all the nasties that could defeat a transport?

    PS: It's in the middle of running right now so I can't attach the log from the current attempt. Will post one after next failure.

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