Parallels Tools install fails

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Martin Arant, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. ChristinaP

    ChristinaP Junior Member

    Install error says to restart and try again.

    Parallels has been working great this past month (just got the newest version on a new iMac) until today when it looked like a new version of parallels tools was downloaded (in an update?) and then starting installing. Now, every time I try to install it seems to get to the end and then say there was an error, restart and try again (I have Windows 7 on the VM). There is no other information.

    Thank you,
  2. ChristinaP

    ChristinaP Junior Member

    I think an update on tools just got to my computer: prl-tools-win.iso but every time I try to install it says there is an error, click ok to restart VM and try again. I have Windows 7 on a new iMac. Parallels has been working great until this tried to install today removing the existing tools so now I have no tools and can't get the old ones off the original disk or get this, what I think is a new update, to install or give me any error information so I can get more information from the parallels website because in troubleshooting, the error is not a choice. HELP!
  3. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Hi ChristinaP,
    can you please provide screenshot of exact error message? Basically, removing any entry of Parallels Tools from Programs list with following installation from Virtual Machine is a good try.
  4. ChristinaP

    ChristinaP Junior Member


    That doesn't work - I was on the phone with support over 2 hours yesterday and nothing worked. I am now waiting for a supervisor response. I am just frustrated because everything worked great before the update!! If I ever get it working again, I'm going to have to stop the updates because I can't get any work done off the windows side now.
  5. Lee Reed

    Lee Reed Bit poster

    I'm in a similar state. A notification popped up about an update to my Parallels 5. I started the install, but each time I try to install Tools, it runs through the entire process and the progress bar stalls at the end, indefinitely. so, where I had a working copy of Tools, the update broke that! I tried deleting the Tools folder from Program Files\Parallels, and reinstalling tools, but no luck.
  6. Shaddam IV

    Shaddam IV Forum Maven

    try downloading the latest build from the parallels desktop page. install it. then start the vm and try updating the tools.
  7. ChristinaP

    ChristinaP Junior Member


    There is no error message. It just stays - error, click ok to restart and try again. The status bar information goes so fast that you cannot see where it stops. I even tried to install a driver shown to fix the problem in another forum but it will not install and the Parallals person could problem no further assistance for that.

    I have a report ID of 2200593 if you want to look at that. So far, it seems as if no one can figure out how to fix this.
  8. ChristinaP

    ChristinaP Junior Member

    I just sent a report - ID 2202793. Maybe that will help get some answers.
  9. Lord Nelson

    Lord Nelson Bit poster

    Same problem: Parallels Tools install fails

    Followed instructions from Help menu, after choosing Configure from the Virtual Machine menu nothing happens.

    Tried Installing from network option which has a 'Note: The Add button is disabled when the virtual machine is running. You need to shut down the virtual machine before you can use this button.

    The problem here is you shut down the VM and the menu is no longer available.

    Screen grabs attached

    Attached Files:

  10. BinfordsTool

    BinfordsTool Junior Member

    I am in the same boot as Christina, just installed the update about 30 mins ago, everything was working great before then, restarted Parallels and the Win 7 VM, parallels tools continues to fail its install (which is upsetting, since I had an awesome config going in modality mode). If i saw right too, my ethernet adapter driver didn't install either. It's like the networking has all gone to crap after this update, because the parallels tools install dies about 90% through (when I think it does a network time sync or something).
  11. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Hi, please send a problem report and post here its id
  12. BinfordsTool

    BinfordsTool Junior Member

    Parallels #857502 is my ticket number
  13. BinfordsTool

    BinfordsTool Junior Member

    Windows pushed an update on 1/20 that killed networking. A system restore to the 19th managed to fix my parallels tools problems and networking issues. I suggest avoiding KB978207, the culmulative update for internet explorer... rolling back and avoiding this fixed all my problems...
  14. rbergquist

    rbergquist Bit poster

    Parallels Tools Installation Agent has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    After 5.0.9310 upgrade, for my Win XP VM, the Parallel Tools upgrade did not automatically start. Whenever I use the menu to select Virtual Machine/Upgrade Parallel Tools, the Parallels Tools Installation Agent fails with a message "Parallels Tools Installation Agent has encountered a problem and needs to close." Parallel status message at bottom of window says "Parallel Tools are outdated. Wait for automatic upgrade to complete or upgrade manually"

    I was able to start my Win-7 VM and the Parallel Tools upgrade started automatically and completed successfully.

    Parallels Report ID: 2323871
  15. zkeith

    zkeith Junior Member

    I use Windows XP, and when I received a screen message that a new update to Parallels 7 was available, I "bit" but much to my regret later as Parallels Tools would hang up at 24% installation, and the nasty screen image couldn't be removed from my monitor. (I began dragging it down as far on the screen as I could so that it would hardly show--but had to do that every time I restarted my computer.) I must have spent at least 8 hours trying to fix the problem, even engaging in a conversation with Parallels Chat, which produced nothing because I believe the instructions I was given were for Windows Vista or Windows 7.

    To make a long story here, here is what I did to fix my problem. I cloned the original version of my Windows VM, and then when I activated the new clone, the nasty Parallels Tool message no longer appears. I don't know whether this will work all of the time, but it worked for me. Now I can delete the VM that contained the problem with Parallels Tools.
  16. aak

    aak Member

    Hi, zkeith!

    It's great that you finally have found a solution! Thought it seems rather unusual (from my point of view).
    If you'll encounter issue in future please feel free to post message here along with problem report ID (we need those to investigate issues)
  17. DarkbanHammer

    DarkbanHammer Bit poster

    sorry for digging up a old topic but some one might find this useful like I have.

    to install parallels tools on micro xp you need to make the temp folder in c:\windows\

    funny how just making that folder lets parallels install and then there is no more issues. Got to love windows....
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  18. JoPro

    JoPro Bit poster

    The MicroXP install and/or TinyXP or other mini installs fail because they have been modified to remove the OEMBIOS.BIN file.

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