Solaris 10 U7 64 bit

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by AaronW, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. AaronW

    AaronW Bit poster

    From what I've read of the specs Parallels should allow for a 64 bit Solaris guest.

    I'm currently using the trial version of Paralles 4.0 on a Mac Pro. Everytime I install Solaris though I seem to get the 32 bit version and not the 64 bit version. Is there something I am doing wrong? Does perhaps the trial version not support 64 bit guest OSes? Is there a setting I should check to enable 64 bit?

    I want to test Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0 on a Solaris guest on a Mac host. Pro/E It requires a 64 bit OS and OpenGL support. First things first though I need 64 bit support.
  2. Colarn

    Colarn Bit poster

    I have encountered the same issue. I am on a purchased version. After some ( a few hours ) investigation it appears that the Solaris kernel is detecting that the Parallels CPU is a 32 bit and running the 32 bit kernel. The Solaris definition in the grub boot loader is pointing the boot to the multiboot kernel which will indeed run 64 bit if the processor supports it. Knowing that Sun sell Intel based CPU's as part of their hardware line it is known that Solaris 10 x86 does indeed run in 64 bit on Intel. It does however appear to not run in 64 bit under Parallels.

    Has anyone found a way around this or is it the way that Parallels presents the CPU to Solaris that is causing this? Is it the Solaris kernel not working with Parallels correctly?

    If anyone has any pointers it would be appreciated.
  3. galochka

    galochka Hunter


    Development team is aware about the issue and not it is fixed and hot fix will be included in next build/release of Parallels Desktop.

    Unfortunately the current date if release is not known, I cannot provide you with this infoprmation.

    Please check the news on our website.
  4. Colarn

    Colarn Bit poster

    Is this fixed in the new Parallels 5?


    I bought my parallels 4.0 in September 2009 only a short time before parallels 5.0 was released as I had a need to be running Solaris 64 bit only to have the above mentioned resolution. The Parallels Team above have indicated that Solaris will run in 64 bit in a future release. My question is, "Is this fixed in Parallels 5.0 and confirmed functional?". I do not wish to obtain Parallels 5.0 only to find the issue is resolved in a newer release again. Can someone from the Parallels team advise if this issue is resolved and confirmed working in Parallels 5.0?

    Thanks in advance.
  5. bobm

    bobm Junior Member

    Solaris 10 on parallels 5

    I've had issues trying to get the networking working on Solaris 10 under Parallels 5 so I'm now running Solaris under virtualbox. I use Parallels for XP and Win7 (and really like the product) but don't think it plays nice with solaris at this time.

    I do have to commend the Parallels team on version 5, it's pretty dang impressive.

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