Parallels 6 -- Parallels Tools failing to install

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GeoffreyC, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. GeoffreyC

    GeoffreyC Bit poster

    I've upgraded tonight to version 6. Unfortunately I get an error and roll-back every time I try to update Parallels Tools. Running latest version of Windows XP. I assume it's trying to update from my version 5 virtual machine install.
    Any thoughts?
  2. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Can you post a screens hot of the error?
  3. GeoffreyC

    GeoffreyC Bit poster

    errors solved

    So turned out after some more experimentation, I just needed to have my windows XP install disc mounted as an image when booting up (without it it was getting errors related to the time sync, mouse sync and appears to have needed to install the mouse HID driver and potentially others).
  4. starhunter

    starhunter Bit poster

    Having same proble

    I just installed v6 this morning, and I have failed to install the Parallels Tools over 6 times. It appears it fails when trying to install the mouse driver. Is there any way we can get the installer for individual drivers instead of the omnibus installer?
  5. GeoffreyC

    GeoffreyC Bit poster

    mouse driver

    So I had what I think is the same issue. I decoupled the two processes and used the XP DVD image to install the mouse driver (HID driver), and then separately did the Parallels Tools afterwards and it then worked. But it appears to be a potential issue in the upgrade process (perhaps limited to XP, for example)
  6. summitscout

    summitscout Hunter

    After several attempts, I was able to get it installed. My previous post in this thread hasn't appeared for some reason.

    Basically, I let the thing run two hours with the progress bar at the end. Then it would ask for ksuser.dll. Searching my C drive for it, I loaded from C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386, then the process finished. I also, based on other discussions here, removed the nameless mouse drivers before installing Tools, but I don't believe that had anything to do with it. See screenshots.

    Good news is that now I have it upgraded, the system feels very 'light' and responsive, especially with Time Machine also running, as compared to PD5 where every ground to a halt with both running- even on a new core i7!

    Good job Parallels!

    Attached Files:

  7. AmauryV

    AmauryV Member

    thank you so much. you totally saved my day.
    it is very frustrating to go thru a situation like that. i hope Parallels Team work on that so people don't have to go thru the same thing.
  8. beta_iannorman

    beta_iannorman Bit poster

    I have the same problem. Can't get the tools to install. Its also the mouse as I have window saying install HID compliant mouse. When the tools have loaded to full green bar have another window saying mouse installed click finish and the whole process rolls back and restarts with no tools loaded.

    Help please ??
  9. summitscout

    summitscout Hunter

    I hate to say this, but installing tools is commonly a two, three, five, six attempt affair. I usually leave upgrades for nights or weekends when I let the machine run for hours to do its thing.
  10. BSartist

    BSartist Member

    Basically it looks like Parallels upgrades are always an adventure for any number of reasons. Sigh.
  11. beta_iannorman

    beta_iannorman Bit poster

    I must have tried 20 times !!!!! Just keeps rolling back and no joy :( very frustrating have to say and really need a solution from the developer please.
  12. BSartist

    BSartist Member

    Single threaded?

    I know Andrew is working a BSOD issue for someone else. I theorize that they have only enough resources for one problem at a time because there are a couple of serious threads with no response. One is a small business owner trying to make payroll.

    The quandary is this: if you take their special offer now but want to wait till it stabilizes before installing, you've blown the 30 money back window.
  13. chriso1515

    chriso1515 Bit poster

    same problem here

    it asks for ksuser then ksproxy, i imagine there's more after that. i had to download ksuser from the web -- i cannot locate it on my win xp disc that includes sp 2.

    wrote support, no luck so far.

    i remembered there were some hiccups at the last upgrade but too late to keep me from this one. rolling back to five until i hear of a reliable workaround.

  14. dechamp

    dechamp Bit poster

    I'm not too worried about the $30 Window. I jumped at the v5 update when it was released, with the discount, and have been receiving marketing emails so often that I've had to mark them as spam (I own a couple of copies of Parallels, so maybe I get more spam than most). The later emails have all been offering the upgrade for $10 less that I paid directly to Parallels. In addition, since my 3 different VM's are working perfectly, I'll wait for a few update cycles for v6 before wasting hours beta testing their installers. Your time has to be worth something if you are using the VM's for business use.

    MROMANI Bit poster

    I suspect the special offer is to get early adopters to load the upgrade and help Parallels do some "beta" testing in the field. I'd have gladly helped to beta test on my time, not have to pay for the privilege and not have to roll back to PD5 when I need to use my XP apps. Can't wait to try and get my upgrade fee back.....
  16. alex1234

    alex1234 Bit poster

    Followed summitscout's advice with success except that it also asked me to locate ks.sys, which was in c:\windows\system32\drivers. That was on XP sp3.
  17. BSartist

    BSartist Member

    Where were you getting the offers for a cheaper update? A third party supplier or Parallels?
  18. Somnus

    Somnus Bit poster

    I upgradetd to PD6, and having problems using drag and drop between my VM(Win7) and my Mac.
    there's nothing wrong with the Aero effect, is there anybody have the same problem here?
  19. starhunter

    starhunter Bit poster

    I deleted all of the warning labeled devices in device manager, then installed tools and it finally worked. It would be nice if someone who is also experiencing this problem could verify if this fixes it for you
  20. starhunter

    starhunter Bit poster

    That was only a partial solution that I posted above. Tools ran, but did not completely install all necesary drivers. I had to manually install from the image\Data\i386\parallels-tools-i386.msi to finally get screen resolution and mouse integration working.

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