Parallels tools are not up to date with the kernel - install failed

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by LexF, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. LexF

    LexF Bit poster

    Installing Parallels Tools on Arch Linux (stock kernel 2.6.35), kernel headers and dkms installed gives an error:

    /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_fs/SharedFolders/Guest/Linux/prl_fs/file.c:389:12: error: simple_sync_file undeclared here (not in a function)
    It appears to be an instance of this, the Parallels Tools have not been updated to take that into account.

    I cannot continue with my trial of Parallels :(
  2. kurtinatlanta

    kurtinatlanta Bit poster

    Same issue with Ubuntu 10.10

    I can't install the Parallels Tools on Ubuntu 10.10 for the same reason.
  3. AndreL

    AndreL Junior Member

    same with ubuntu 10.10 64

    kernel 2.6.35-22
    /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_fs/sharedFolders/Guest/Linux/prl_fs/file.c:389: error: 'simple_sync_file' undeclared here (not in a function)

    then install will fail
  4. mohdf

    mohdf Member

    anyone from Parallels moderators/staff/admin can answer this on behalf ? is it still in development to support the latest kernel for Parallels tools ?

    not only with kernel but support in Xorg 1.9 ... do let us know or give feedback on this two ..
  5. STim

    STim Bit poster

  6. mohdf

    mohdf Member

    thanks you .. at last .. latest update fixed the issue \0/
  7. AndreL

    AndreL Junior Member

    ok with the laster version

    downloaded today the latest version
    Build 6.0.11826
    (Revision 611899; October 19, 2010)

    running the tools again this time with success.
  8. Simon Waddington

    Simon Waddington Member

    Unfortunately with the new tools after upgrading to 10.10 I cannot get OpenGL support to work - everything I've tried to enable the desktop effects which use OpenGL just says they cannot be enabled. I do seem to have virtual CD mounting, mouse integration, ability to see Mac files from Ubuntu and visa versa. I have triend uninstall and reinstall of tools, with reboots - still no joy. OpenGL is working great with 10.04 and the old tools - what gives?
  9. AndreL

    AndreL Junior Member

    compiz open gl seems ok

    I have a macbook pro (core2duo ATI1600 4Gb)
    ubuntu vm video has 64Mb and 3d on, mmy 1Gb, 1 cpu

    I am running 10.10 64 all updates done, latest tools installed, install compiz with:
    sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compiz-gnome compiz-core emerald compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra fusion-icon compizconfig-settings-manager.

    I enabled wobbly windows, cube, etc.. all seems ok
    I tried couple of opengl games, they launch and play ok.
  10. Simon Waddington

    Simon Waddington Member

    I guess it must be just me then...

    Glad that others have wobbly windows working...

    My MacBook is a Pro 7,1 version (latest i5 unibody) with nvidia/integrated switching graphics - perhaps that is the difference?

    Anyway what I did was update Parallels and install the new guest tools before the 10.10 update since I assumed it would be compatible with both 10.04 and 10.10. After updating the tools OpenGL/compiz was working fine so I went ahead and did the Ubuntu 10.10 update and found that although I could still mount the guest CD, see Mac files under /media/psf I lost the mouse integration (had to use ctrl-option to get in and out of VM) and of course Compiz stopped working.

    So I uninstall the guest tools, reboot, then reinstall the guest tools and reboot. I get back mouse integration - yay, but no compiz. I notice under System Administration -> Additional Drivers I see only Parallels toolgate driver - I was pretty sure they were other drivers there before, but maybe I'm mistaken?

    I know this isn't just Compiz because none of the OpenGL screensavers work either.

    For those that have OpenGL/Compiz working did you uninstall the old guest tools before upgrading to 10.10 and then install the new ones, or or perhaps leave them installed and then upgrade the guest tools after the 10.10 upgrade? I have a snapshot from before all this so if there is a way to do it I can try it again.

    In case any Parallels people are reading this I've added extracts from my Xorg.0.log (visuals part snipped out), parallels-tools-install.log and parallels.log file below. From the looks of the parallels.log it seems there is some OpenGL funkiness going on but its hard to to know what the deal is.

    Perhaps there is some Xorg reconfiguration I'm supposed to do???

    Attached Files:

  11. AndreL

    AndreL Junior Member

    compiz open gl seems ok

    the ubuntu I am running is a fresh installation not an upgrade
  12. kaffouneh

    kaffouneh Bit poster

    Desktop effects is not working!!!

    i have the same issue with Simon, first updated Parallels to last update 11826 ,then installed ubuntu 10.10 (fresh copy) & installed parallels tools successfully , after rebooting everything seems fine except desktop effects.

    appreciate any help.
  13. AndreL

    AndreL Junior Member

    My hw is a macbookpro core2duo ati 1600 4gb mmy 10.6 with all updates installed.
    Latest version of parallels, fresh install of 10.10
    Setting set to use hyperviser, 64Mb video with 3D, 1Gb mmy.

    I enabled compiz no problem, I tried OpenGL screen saver ok, the fans will go up after a while.
    I did not have to do anything special.
    In ubuntu if I look at third parties drivers there is only one parallels driver installed
  14. Simon Waddington

    Simon Waddington Member

    Making progress but still not solved

    So I did a completely clean install of a 10.10 image with the new Guest tools and OpenGL features are working fine, but that doesn't help me with my broken upgraded VM :-(

    I checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf and they are the same on both machines.
    Looking at /var/log/parallels.log I saw an error about so I tracked it down to /usr/lib/mesa and copied all the files from my new working VM to the old broken one. Reboot and still no joy.

    I think I'm going to try uninstalling the parallels tools again, reboot and reinstall and inspect my logs to compare against the new working VM.
  15. iduff

    iduff Product Expert

    6.0.11826 upgrade fixed it for me.
  16. Simon Waddington

    Simon Waddington Member

    I posted an explanation of how I fixed the problem and enabled OpenGL but it must have been moderated away :-(
  17. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Post it again. Maybe it got lost.
  18. rkulikov

    rkulikov Parallels Developers

    Yes, Simon, your fix of the problem is appreciated! Need to understand what went wrong in your system.
  19. Mariod

    Mariod Bit poster

    6.0.11826 upgrade localized

    We also have the same problem with Ubuntu 10.10 and need the 6.0.11826 upgrade or, at least, a way to use our localized licence with the english version... Thank you
  20. STim

    STim Bit poster

    Mariod, what is your localization?

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