Keyboard Problem after 10.5.7 update

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by BrettD, May 19, 2009.

  1. BrettD

    BrettD Member

    Hi All

    Having a seriourly annoying problem, running the latest version of parrallels (3844?). Everything has been wonderful since installing and had very few issues. i have jsut upgraded my OSX 10.5.6 install to 10.5.7 and now have had multiple issues. My machine is an 8 core Mac pro, 4 Gb Ram.

    1) Parrallels wouldn't run my VM's on my secondary drive. This was a permissions issue and was resolved by ignorning permissions on that drive then running the VM's, this is def an issue with 10.5.7 not parallels.

    2) The keyboard stopped sending Clt, Alt, Shift and Command keys to the VM. I have NOT been able to resolve this. I have reinstalled parallel tools, restarted the VM and physical machine, all to no avail. Any ideas?


  2. Peter Canasius J L

    Peter Canasius J L Forum Maven

    Hello Brett,

    1) Open Parallels Desktop ( do not start the Virtual Machine ).
    2) On the Menu bar click on Parallel Desktop => Click on Preference => Click on Keyboard and Mouse.
    3) Click on " Restore Defaults " .
    4) Click Ok.

    Please reply us the status of the issue.
  3. BrettD

    BrettD Member


    Thanks for the reply, this didn't work unfortunately. I have resolved the issue but do not actually know what fixed it. There was a boot disk corruption which was detected and fixed (booting in target disk mode and used Disk Utils from another machine). A cold restart seems to have been what did it, a complete power down and restart.

    There is a fix for Dvorak keyboards in the 10.5.7 update, I suspect this is what caused the problem. A full restart and shutdown cleared the old settings and possibly did somthing in the PRam, but this is all guesswork.

    Thanks for the help.
  4. WendyD

    WendyD Bit poster

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  5. Peter Canasius J L

    Peter Canasius J L Forum Maven

    Hello BrettD,

    Glad to know that the issue is resolved. Thanks alot for letting us know the resolution.

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