Unable to run full screen in secondary screen in Parallels 7

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MGhostSoft, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member


    I've been a Parallels 6 user for months and I downloaded the trial version of Parallels 7 yesterday. I'm using a MBP with an external display, and the external display is the primary screen. I was able to run Windows in Parallels 6 with full screen mode in my secondary screen, but I'm no longer able to do so in Parallels 7. When I switch to full screen mode, it shows on the primary display, no matter where I put the VM window. Is there any way to have it use secondary display? If no, then I have to switch back to Parallels 6.

    Thank you!
  2. YuriyM

    YuriyM Member


    thanks for the feedback
    we are aware of the problem and currently working on it
  3. MAWE

    MAWE Bit poster


    I am in the same situation and it is killing me, is this a Parallels issue or are we supposed to report this to Apple?
    Asking this since all other apps behaves the same way.
  4. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member

    I suggest that you provide two kinds of full screen modes: one is "exclusively full screen", which behaves the same as Parallels 7, the other is "normal full screen", which behaves the same as Parallels 6.
  5. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member

    I think it's less hopeful to count on Apple changing the behavior of Full Screen.
  6. KerryC

    KerryC Bit poster

    Apple's solution in Lion for Full Screen does not work well when you have multiple monitors. I rely on having one of my monitors dedicated to a virtual machine using the old style full screen.

    There are some use cases where the new full screen technology is cool. If I wanted multiple monitors to all be used in the VM, I would use the new feature. In my case, I want to dedicate only 1 monitor out of 3 to the VM.

    Please find some way to bring back the old style full screen VM in Parallels 7 (without losing the Lion style full screen).

  7. vulpecula

    vulpecula Bit poster

    Full screen does not run

    On my iMac mid 2010 the full screen mode for the programmes within Parallels desktop for mac 7.0 does not fill the whole screen of my mac although I told the virtual machine to do so within the preferences. Any help?
  8. stinklyonion

    stinklyonion Junior Member

    same case.. well i think Parallels 7 doesnt have full screen mode same with version 6.. or maybe it is just a trial that you are using.. but this is whats bugging me.. i wont upgrade on 7 until i get some answers on this.. thanks anyway..[​IMG]
  9. lindaupsoorl

    lindaupsoorl Bit poster

    I think this is a Parallels issue and their compatibility, not Apple's. But as they stated above, they're fixing it.

    "I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
    -Henry David Thoreau
  10. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member

    Come on. Please fix this quickly. This change has completely no enhancement, while causes unnecessary new problems.
  11. JessicaW

    JessicaW Banned

    It happens to me too. Can anyone help us how to fix the problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated
  12. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member

    I have downgraded to Parallels 6. Although Parallels 7 has some attracting features, I have to do so due to this problem. I won't consider upgrading to Parallels 7 until this problem has been fixed.
  13. MGhostSoft

    MGhostSoft Junior Member

    Hello everyone! Actually this is not a problem! There's already an option for it: in the "Full screen" section, deselect "Use Mac OS X Full Screen". After doing that, every annoying thing goes away!

    I have decided to buy this.
  14. EldadG

    EldadG Bit poster

    YuriyM, this does not seem to have been fixed in the last update to Parallels 7. Please make Parallels publish this fix when it is fixed (in the release notes). Many people are waiting for this to be fixed before upgrading to 7.
  15. alev

    alev Parallels Team

  16. ChrisJCav

    ChrisJCav Bit poster

    Almost there

    Unfortunately this doesn't fix the whole problem :( If I uncheck "Use Mac OS X Full Screen" it works great while still connected to the external display (as v6 did), but if I later try to use it without the external display (using Macbook at home etc) and swipe between desktops, Parallels insists on moving itself to the active desktop. The only way to prevent it is to minimize parallels. Checking the "...Full Screen" option isn't really an option, as it means I'd need to restart the VM.

    It'd be great if this could be fixed soon. VMWare 4 doesn't have the issue (although it has plenty others), and Parallels V6 was mostly ok too (although did sometimes get a bit funky in Lion fullscreen).


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