Running out of disk space on XP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by EricNolan, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. EricNolan

    EricNolan Junior Member

    I have a MBP running RC3 with 30GB VM running XP. I have had this problem with all versions. Using a disk space program called DiskData the actual space being used shows as: 11,559MB allocated 11,665MB efficiency 99% uses 38%.

    This is correct if you divide 11,559 / 30,000.

    However, Windows Explorer (and even DiskData summary page) show my used at 27,700 out of 30,000MB and only have about 3 GB available.

    Where is the missing disk space going and how do I recover/use it?

    I am setup to use a plain virtual hard disk (I converted from an expanding using the Image tool last release to see if this would help and it didn't).

  2. wesley

    wesley Pro

    Have you run a disk scan inside the VM?
  3. Paul Linden

    Paul Linden Member

    Try installing another disk report program like JDiskReport. Does it give a different answer?

    Edit: by the way, Windows reports that my XP VM is using 7.5 GB, and DiskData and JDiskReport report about the same 5.1 GB (i.e. 5,400,000kB)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  4. EricNolan

    EricNolan Junior Member

    ran disk scan although Windows required restart "to gain exclusive access" to the disk. It seemed to go through all 5 steps wihout error, and I still have the 3GB available instead of the expected ~17GB
  5. EricNolan

    EricNolan Junior Member

    I did run JDiskReport like you suggested, and it returned the same results on actual usage (~12GB) but I didn't see in this program where it would show total capacity.

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