Performance difference between running 'native' VM or imported from Bootcamp?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by HOOHah, May 29, 2012.

  1. HOOHah

    HOOHah Bit poster


    I am planning on getting Parallels set up but am unsure if there is a big performance hit when running Windows from the Bootcamp partition vs. just running it through Parallels normally.

    Does anyone have experience doing so and thoughts?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    While running under Parallels both will have a similar performance.
    The only difference is that the bootcamp one can be booted natively (and have better performance when booting natively).
  3. takeshi74

    takeshi74 Bit poster

    You have both if you set up Bootcamp and migrate to Parallels. You just have to make sure that your VM is shut down before you attempt to Bootcamp.
  4. mac-addict1982

    mac-addict1982 Junior Member

    No need to migrate. You can use the Bootcamp partition in a virtual machine and switch from virtualized to native Windows and back if you need lots of (especially graphic card) power.

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