macbook retina running parallels windows 7 battery life?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by anonymous4a, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. anonymous4a

    anonymous4a Bit poster

    hey guys, just wondering what kind of battery life you were getting running parallels windows 7. Do any of you guys enable gfxcardstatus app? If so, than what kind of battery life do you get running just integrated graphics?

    Battery life for word processing usage, internet streaming usage, gaming usage?
  2. jeffyjones

    jeffyjones Member

    It depends. I can usually do about six hours, but I mostly use Visual Studio, which will max a few cores for no apparent reason at time. On my old MBP, I knew it was happening because it got warm and the fans got louder. This one, it's not as obvious. That'll knock me down to 4.5 hours.
  3. JoachimW

    JoachimW Junior Member

    Does the retina resolution work for you? In case it does, do you manually switch to native resolution whenever you switch to Windows?
  4. jeffyjones

    jeffyjones Member

    I have the "more content" or whatever setting in OS X, then use the 125% scaling in Windows. If I get too close to the screen, yes, it doesn't look good, but it's more than usable. I've switched OS X to native resolution (making it essentially unusable), and Windows to 150%, and that's a beautiful thing. I can't for the life of me understand why Parallels forces you into the scaling. Makes me also wonder if older versions don't do the scaling, but I never tried.

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