Windows will not pop to the front or top on a mouse click in Parallels Desktop 7

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CristianL, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. CristianL

    CristianL Bit poster

    Hi All,

    I have never had this issue until I upgraded both Mac OS X to 10.8 and Parallels to 7

    Basically, it only happens in coherence mode but when i have multiple windows open at the same time in Windows 7 and i try to active (bring to the front/top) a window that is currently underneath/behind other windows by a mouse click on the window itself, it does not work anymore. It looks like it wants to do it, you can kinda see the outline of it on top of the other windows but in reality it still looks active behind the others.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Parallels Tools but still no go.
  2. ekimneems

    ekimneems Junior Member

    I'm having the same issue. In addition to that, I'm finding that my cursor is blinking, as if it's constantly "refreshing." It may be an issue with Mission Control, because when I try to click on OS X apps (such as in the dock, it doesn't switch to that app, which is in a different space.
  3. DuaneG

    DuaneG Junior Member

    I have the same issue. Running Parallels 7 on Mac 10.8 with Windows 7 as my virtual machine. Using an iMac 2.8 GHz Core i5 with 12 GB RAM. Never had the problem before, when using Parallels 6 on OS 10.7x.
  4. DuaneG

    DuaneG Junior Member

    A little more information

    This problem seems to exist only in coherence mode. In full screen, I don't have any problem switching between my Mac and Windows apps.
  5. MartijnS

    MartijnS Bit poster

    Same problem here. Just upgraded to Mountain Lion, have the latest build of Parallels 7 (on a late 2009 iMac 27 C2D 12Gb). In Coherence mode windows in Windows XP (my case) have some weird 'always on top' issues (clicking on a window partially behind another window seems to give it the focus, but it doesn't move forward). Hopefully this will be noticed quickly by Parallels so they can fix the bug. Working in window-mode is not ideal, just love coherence, sigh...
  6. RayPowell

    RayPowell Bit poster


    I have the same setup as MartijnS with the same frustrating windows behaviour!
    Also having problems starting in Coherence mode. Most times it just disappears (no indication it's even started). Click on Parallels in the App Bar and it is displayed but its not in Coherence mode.

    Also, I have to press Control+Option whenever I want to use Command.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  7. bradhs123

    bradhs123 Junior Member

    Ditto, same problem here described just like everyone else above. Upgrade to ML from Lion with latest release Parallels Build 7.0.15104. Any confirmation from Parallels Support or a KB article we can refer to for more information on an update?
  8. slade52

    slade52 Bit poster

    Same problem here too.
  9. Matt MacPherson

    Matt MacPherson Bit poster

    Same issue, more info...

    Have the same problem. I have noticed if I click a Mac window and then go back and click the windows 7 window, then it properly comes to front. It is only when the focus is on another W7 window that a background window will not come to front.
  10. eosmann

    eosmann Bit poster

    Same issue here. Very frustrating!

    I'm finding that if you select the window you wish to bring to the front, then select another window (in may case on another monitor since I have three I'm using in Coherence Mode) then that window will rise to the front and I can go back and re-select it and use it. VERY frustrating but what I'm stuck with since I am stuck using this mode 8+ hours a day for work! I hope they fix this quickly.

    Another workaround I find that works for me is using the mission control to select the window, then the selected window comes to the foreground and works fine too.

    Parallel's... please make this fix a priority!
  11. JakB

    JakB Bit poster

    Did anyone open a case with Parallels

    This is frustrating, more so when you work with many windows opened. I feel I am loosing an hour of work a day because of this, just closing and opening windows to get the correct one to be the one in focus.

    I am not sure that Parallels technicians roam these boards often, and I do not have support anymore, but if someone does have support, I encourage you to please open a ticket on this issue and keep us posted.
  12. eosmann

    eosmann Bit poster

    A temporary work around that may help is to click on the task bar icon of the window that you are interested in twice, once (or twice) to minimize it and another to restore it. This appears to work in most cases to bring that window to the foreground.

    I have notice that if you click on a window that is partially covered and do nothing else that that window will eventually come to the foreground - obviously a huge refresh issue bug of parallel's. Hopefully someone can get this resolved quickly. Hope this helps.
  13. JakB

    JakB Bit poster

    the temporary work around works if you dont have more than one window open of each program. If you have many of them stacked it does not. For now I have been using full screen, at least there it works.

    Please if anyone has support open a ticket!!!

    its the best way to get their attention on solving this issue....
  14. eosmann

    eosmann Bit poster

    Actually is does, you just have to do a few extra steps, like click on the main icon from the task bar, then right click on the window you're interested in the stack and then select the minimize option from the popup menu. Then repeat the process to select the restore option.

    I have a ton of windows open across three monitors and believe me need this bug fixed, so I know this works as I struggled for a few days before finding a solution that allows me to at least function since full screen is not a very good solution in my case.
  15. James DonovanJ

    James DonovanJ Junior Member

    same problem here.......
  16. MafiaW

    MafiaW Bit poster

    After upgrading to ML, mine's cursor blinking so badly as well. (only Windows Live Messenger and Outlook running, no any 3D application)
  17. MartinLiss

    MartinLiss Member

    I also have the windowing problem. Sometimes pressing F3 clears it up but it sure is annoying.
  18. Todd_H

    Todd_H Bit poster

    I am having the same issue. I am running Mountain lion w/ Windows XP via Parallels 7. Never had the issue until I upgraded both parallels and M.L. Anyone have a possible solution? I have reinstalled Parallels tools already as well.
  19. AlainH

    AlainH Junior Member

    Ditto here. This is clearly an issue with Coherence mode and Mountain Lion.

    According to the forum posts and KB article 114472, the Engineering team is aware of this issue and has been investigating it for at least a week.

    Anyone know whether a fix for this is in the works or have an ETA?
  20. MartinLiss

    MartinLiss Member

    Can you point me to that article?

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