Disable Transition?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Stefan Lisowski, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Stefan Lisowski

    Stefan Lisowski Junior Member

    In previous versions of Parallels, I could choose what kind of transition between full-screen virtual machine, and my regular host. I prefer no transition so I can switch back and forth between VM and host windows rapidly with command-tab. Parallels 8 seems to have the "Slide" transition running, and there's nothing I've been able to do to stop it. I looked in the .pvs, did forum and google searches, etc.

    This definitely used to be an option; used to be able to choose all sorts of things like "cube", "slide", etc. I want "none".

    Any ideas anyone? It's frustrating when I know there _used_ to be this option, and now I can't find it with the latest Parallels 8 on OSX.

    - Stefan
  2. YanaYana


    We actually never had any transition options in any PD version....
  3. Stefan Lisowski

    Stefan Lisowski Junior Member

    Ok, maybe it was before you called the product "desktop", I've been using parallels since version 2 I think on Mac and windows. Anyway.... It sounds like you're implying there is no way to change the behavior when going from full screen to the host os. I gotta say, it sure would be nice to disable this slide animation. It really is annoying when I'm quickly switching back and forth trying to get work done... why can't parallels act like any other Mac program? I want no animation, no effects. Just speed.

    Thanks for listening. (and no, I don't want to use coherence mode)

    If there is some command line workaround I'd love to know about it.
  4. YanaYana


    I will ask dev team, thanks
  5. Stefan Lisowski

    Stefan Lisowski Junior Member

    Any answer from the dev team?

  6. Stefan Lisowski

    Stefan Lisowski Junior Member

    I now see this annoying full-screen transition is something that OSX Lion introduced and it can not be turned off with any Lion preferences, according to internet searches.

    Looks like someone was able to get somewhere with this product to avoid this issue:

    In any case, it appears to not be a Parallels issue. (but I swear, really old versions of Parallels did have some various different funky animations... which I mistook for this new Apple interface problem.)
  7. YanaYana


    thanks for sharing this info, it is very helpful of other users

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