Starting to think about VMWare

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by CorbinH, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. CorbinH

    CorbinH Bit poster

    Are there no Parallels support people on here?

    90% of the OS X Lion posts have no response at all and therefore no resolution to them. This sucks.

    2010 MBP with fresh OS X as host os

    1. Need to find out if theres a fix for OS X guest os hanging when machine goes to sleep. VERY BAD.

    2. Need to know how to get trackpad working in OS X goest os so can use gestures.

    3. Need to get copy/past from host working.

  2. CorbinH

    CorbinH Bit poster

    Based on the lack of activity on these forums, it feels like there about 87 people in the world that are Parallels users.

    I called tech support and even though it was farmed out to India they tried their best and eventually gave me answers.

    1. suspend OS X vm before going into sleep so it won't crash (not a solution but at least a workaround--one I'd already been doing)
    2. built-in trackpad on MBP is not supported on OS X Lion vm (maybe in Parallels revision)

    3. copy/paste on OS X Lion host and OS X Lion vm not supported right now but maybe in future revision
  3. robzr-

    robzr- Bit poster

    This has been a known issue, yet Parallels still allows for VM suspending despite the fact that it will crash the VM upon wakeup. Parallels could (and should) disable the ability to suspend the VM if it's running a OS X guest, yet it does not.

    Why not? I really get the feeling that Parallels doesn't care...


    MACEEL Bit poster

    Really? Advertising trial antivirus inside a paid software?

    And the complimentary trial antivirus programs....
    I paid for your software: now when i click on + i have: create, migrate and what the heck? install trial antivirus?

    Really PARALLELS? YOU don't care and still advertise in a PAID software?
    Won't upgrade next time... will switch do something free or like vmware.

    I really loved your software before this complete sell out!.
  5. Mjoecups

    Mjoecups Bit poster

    Vmware for me too

    I am a long time parallels user. I support my wife's work, which has some terrible windows only stuff they insist on using.

    Anyhow after a series of mysterious crashes while running parallels 7 and Windows 7 Pro on a Mac pro 8 core, my main drive became hopelessly corrupted, causing me to lose my wifes PC VM.

    Resorting to a backup proved to be more continued instability.

    Support from Parallels is nil. Nobody home, nice folks in India if you can ever reach them.

    Downloaded a trial copy of Fusion last night, it imported my parallels VM right off the bat and is working great so far. Also it seems to be more "mac like" in it's design. Very minimal. but gets the job done.

    Good riddance Parallels, you got your last nickel from me.
  6. MacFarland

    MacFarland Bit poster

    About your crashes: I have/had a similar problem with a MacBook Pro (mid 2010) OS X 10.8.2 and latest Parallels. System reset frequently. I ran ActivityMonitor (OS X) and noted that all 4 cores went to 100% at the moment of crash. Kaspersky Kav was fingered in each report. Solutions: (1) Restored whole main drive from Time Machine backup; (2) Revised scan timing on Kaspersky Antivirus. So far, (1) reduced crashes 90%; (2) stopped the remaining crashes.
    I could not discover exactly what caused the repeated page fault errors.

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