Windows 7 sound problems

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by fizwit, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. fizwit

    fizwit Bit poster

    I have just created a VM for windows 7 and everything is working great except that there is no sound.
    It says that there is "no audio output devices are installed." Audio works fine with native OSX, no sound from Windows 7.

    Parallels Version 9, fully patched, Mac OS 10.8 (fully patched) 13" MacBook Pro mid 2012.

    I have cut/paste this issue from an identical post from 2009. Reading that did not solve my problem.

    I'd really appreciate any suggestions on this problem, thanks.
  2. lotw

    lotw Product Expert

    Did you install the Parallels Tools?
  3. fizwit

    fizwit Bit poster

    yes, I have installed and reinstalled Parallels Tools. After reinstalling Tools the Windows 7 instance was rebooted. How do the tools help? Parallels -> Virtual Machine -> Options -> Hardware does not list an audio device. The option does not exist to configure an audio device within Parallels.

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