Activation Key Reached its Activation Limit

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by OcalaRick, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. OcalaRick

    OcalaRick Bit poster

    Migrated from old iMac to new iMac and when I input my Parallels 9 activation code in I get the following message: Your product activation key has reached its activation limit and cannot be used" How do you "deactivate" the old iMac?
  2. Abhijit

    Abhijit Member

    Have a problem. My MacBook came from Apple repair. Fan was changed but Parallels now refuses to start with same message.\
  3. OcalaRick

    OcalaRick Bit poster

    I sent an email in the email support section and Parallels Support fixed it for me. They even called me on a Saturday morning. Give it a try. Good luck.
  4. Abhijit

    Abhijit Member

    Its more than 5 hours I reported problem to support.
    How long did it take for Support to respond to you?
    a day?
  5. OcalaRick

    OcalaRick Bit poster

    It took almost 24 hours, but they did not respond to this forum. They responded to the support ticket I created.
  6. Abhijit

    Abhijit Member

    A long wait. One more forced holiday.
  7. netdude

    netdude Bit poster

    They Do NOT re-activate!

    I had Parallels 8, bought Parallels 9 and installed on my Mac, reformatted when I got new OS (the reason I upgraded from 8 to 9): tried to install and it will not activate. Asked support if they could reset the counter: they demanded either a story or more money. STAY AWAY FROM THIS GREEDY FARCE.


    I will write add-ons for VirtualBox or another virtualization platform to successfully and flawlessly replicate the convenient feature set of Parallels like folder sharing and coherence. It is not a difficult task: but I will give it away for all for free. I promise to spend my own money on SEO and Google AdWords to distribute the freeware solutions I create. :)

    If we don't go through life with a smile, something is wrong...! :)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
  8. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I don't know if you are serious or not, but this made me chuckle.
  9. tebruno99

    tebruno99 Bit poster

    Having same situation only much worse.
    If Parallels is going to start counting activations then they need to provide a way to DEACTIVATE. This is just stupid crazy common sense.

    I often reinstall OSX after destroying the system tinkering with application installers etc. As a developer I do package and test installs and quite often end up with crap everywhere that only reinstall can fix. Tie this in with 10.8 beta, reverting back to 10.7, back to 10.8 beta, to 10.7 then back to 10.8 release, then each 10.9 beta and then an official reinstall of 10.9 after release today. Not to mention upgrade from 2010 iMac (now sold) to mid-2011 iMac (now sold) to a late 2013 iMac.

    I'm left with what Parallels says as:
    Parallels 8 Desktop: activated on 9 machines
    Parallels 9 Desktop: activated on 3 machines

    Now some of this I can see as some confusion because I did buy a new iMacs one after the other.
    Do I like to reinstall YES, Do I like to refresh my hardware YES. Lots of people do. Provide a way to Deactivate a machine like pretty nearly every other software activation system does.

    I'll never buy another Parallels license or tell any of my family or fellow developers to do so until this oversight is fixed. Its VMware and Bootcamp for me now on. I also want my money back but I doubt that will ever happen.

    8 hours now without Parallels, which I have paid for 2 licenses of each 8 and 9. My Wife and Myself. Why 2, because thats what Parallel's terms are.
  10. netdude

    netdude Bit poster

    Naw dude, this is just greed... And a customer service department that I feel is trained to give people the run around until they pay again... Which is totally okay, everybody in this world gets EXACTLY what they deserve :)

    I disputed and won my PayPal payment to them: I am guessing they received so many disputes on any direct merchant account of their own that they nowadays are forced to use an intermediary (CleverBridge)... These people are not titans, nor gods: just people that put a lot of time and effort into a product which they are milking AT OUR EXPENSE... which is fine, but at which point is it TOO MUCH? I contend they crossed that line a while back and nothing will make me return to them: but as I said, the cool features they have which aren't in VirtualBox I am sure I could code myself for kicks (and will when I have time, probably in a year or so) :)

    I have had activation counters reset by so many different companies I can't actually remember any (NOT EVEN Microsoft because they provide a telephone activation system when the online one reaches it's limit) software vendors that are so harsh about this to people that legitimately directly paid them money... Greedy greedy people, but they'll get what they deserve :)

    Karma, it's real!


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