Navigating text the same way in OSX and Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AVchemE, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. AVchemE

    AVchemE Member

    When a keyboard shortcut exists in OSX, it overrides any input to the VM. For example, using ctrl+arrow moves desktops in OS X rather than moving between words. Disabling the shortcut in OSX allows that shortcut to be used in Windows. I believe something similar is happening when I try mapping the following shortcuts:

    What I want is to use is
    * Command+Arrows as "Home" and "End" (fn+arrows in windows)
    * Option + arrows to move insertion point (ctrl+arrows in windows)

    I don't want to have to remember what program I am in and switch between fn/command and ctrl/option for the same functionality. Is there any way to do this?
  2. Einewton

    Einewton Bit poster

    This is very painful... Is there a better way? I just bought Desktop 9... It should have the latest & greatest?

    If I disable this shortcut in OS X I can only use it in my windows VM and not in in the native OS X.

    I frequently use X Code on my Mac, and then with my Windows 8 VM use Visual Studio... In my mind this keystroke should be the same, right?

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  3. AVchemE

    AVchemE Member

    Unfortunately, I've just had to adapt. I have to ask myself if I need to use fn or command to navigate to the front or end of a line. It's fairly obvious in visual studio or text edit, but I run Mathematica from both Windows and osx (for various reasons) and that's a real pain to have different shortcuts for home and end.
  4. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    My fix

    I have a fix for this, although i am still disappointed that Parallels with their so-called "seamless integration" don't sort this out. It's good, but it's far from "seamless."

    Anyway, my solution is to install Autohotkey in the windows VM ( - it's free open source and very powerful for windows in its own right.

    Here is my script (or the portion I use for the functionality you ask for):

    [INDENT]; Nic Ref:[/INDENT]
    [INDENT];   ! = Alt[/INDENT]
    [INDENT];   ^ = Control[/INDENT]
    [INDENT];   + = Shift[/INDENT]
    [INDENT];   # = Windows[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]SendMode Input[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]; Parallels 1[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]!LEFT::Send, ^{LEFT}              ; Maps Alt/left to Ctrl/left (Use Mac keys to move to previous word)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]!RIGHT::Send ^{RIGHT}             ; Maps Alt/left to Ctrl/left (Use Mac keys to move to next word)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]^LEFT::Send, {HOME}               ; Maps CMD/left to HOME (Use Mac keys to move to beginning of line)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]^+LEFT::Send, +{HOME}[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]^RIGHT::Send, {END}                ; Maps CMD/left to END (Use Mac keys to move to end of line)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]^+RIGHT::Send, +{END}[/INDENT]
    Hope this helps!

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