Keyboard Shortcut for Cycling Through Program Windows in Windows 7 (in Coherence)?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by alexcr, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. alexcr

    alexcr Junior Member

    Does anyone know a keyboard shortcut for cycling through a program's open windows in Windows 7 while in Parallel's Coherence View? In case it helps, I almost exclusively use Parallels for Microsoft Outlook 2007, so for example I might want to cycle through my inbox windows, the window for a message I'm reading, the window for a message I'm composing, the window for a contact address card, and my reminders. I'm currently resorting to doing this by secondary/right clicking the dock icon for Outlook, which needless to say is a real pain. Using Expose is a tad bit easier but still more or less requires the mouse. Props to whoever can answer this!

  2. Glen_Parallels

    Glen_Parallels Junior Member

    Did you find a solution? I face the same problem. Thanks.
  3. alexcr

    alexcr Junior Member

    I never did, though I wasn't using Parallels for that long. Sorry!

  4. Glen_Parallels

    Glen_Parallels Junior Member

    Thankyou for answering, nice to catch up seeing that I posted 4 years after you. :)

    I stumbled upon OPTION + TAB as a way of cycling through only the open windows in the Windows Virtual machine, so this includes every Outlook Window, Word window and Excel window, but excludes any Mac programs running (you need COMMAN + TAB for that).

    In Excel (only) I found that CTRL + TAB will cycle through the open Excel windows only.

    In Word (only) I found that OPTION + F6 will cycle through the open Word windows only.

    It's not quite the universal CTRL+F6 but it is close! Isn't life a challenge in Parallels!


  5. Glen_Parallels

    Glen_Parallels Junior Member

    In fact by disabling the use of F4 and F6 in the Mac System preferences I regained short cuts in the Windows Office programs like CTRL + F6 to cycle between open windows (in Word or Excel) and ALT + F4 to close windows in those programs too.

    Great, soon I'll have my Mac running just like Windows only better, ha ha........

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